Rita Roberson - 01/28/00 19:27:41
My Email:robersonrj@aol.com
Hi, I liked your Root information. I believe that my ancestor, William Root is from this family. I "think" that William is the grandson of Daniel Root, Sr. who was the child of Thomas & Abigail Root. Does this fit anythin? Thanks.
Jim Messer - 01/25/00 20:51:42
My Email:JimMesser16@ccnmail.com
Hello, my name is Jim Messer; I am 17. I was searching the internet for family geneology when I came across your page. It was really helpful. I am a descendant of the Robert Blumb who married your ancestor, Mary Baldwin, 1642. Thanks a lot.
Jay Baldwin - 01/19/00 23:12:50
My Email:squatman@earthlink.net
Am a direct decendent of John Baldwin of Milford,Conn. Am living in Burbank, California and retired from the motion picture business. Am reserching all I can about the Baldwin family. However am trying to find more before 1638. Thanks and keep up the good
Chris Brown - 01/16/00 17:58:44
My Email:brown@nildram.co.uk
I enjoyed browsing through the information you have gathered on the Baldwin Family. I live in Hawridge Buckinghamshire and part of our small holding encroaches on a field called Baldwin once owned by the Baldwin family of Dundridge / Cholesbury and Hawrid
e. I am gasthering data as part of the Local History Group's Millennium celebrations as we are holding an exhibition later this year. You mat be interseted in a parish map of our area which we have just completed. It is to be viewed on http//www.rcadesign
Best wishes
Chris Brown
Karen Lankton Schmidt - 01/08/00 20:03:13
My Email:lankton@aol.com
I am a descendant of George Langdon and his first wife in England. The name was changed to Lankton 3 generations later.
- 12/19/99 17:50:25
Jeanette Harper - 11/26/99 01:32:31
My Email:craigite@msn.com
I was looking in the Coffman section of you families, and found David C. Coffman listed in the third generation, #14. I have some information on his family you might like to have, and it is accurate as I have records to prove the facts. David C. Coffman
was born in 1840, found on his tombstone in Rush Springs Cemetery, OK, Grady County, he died in 1920. I did not have the information that he was born in Troup, Georgia, however. He married Sarah Ann Amanda Calfee Burt, born 01 May, 1833 in Pickens, Alab
ma. She died in 1909 in Rush Springs, OK, Grady County and is buried there with David.
Sarah Ann was married to John William Burt, 16Dec, 1852 in Rockford, Coosea County, Al. She married David Crockett Coffman somtime after 1865, location unknown. She and John William had three children, Nancy Burt, b. 04 April, 1861 Montgomery, Al, d. Fe
. 1949, Comanche Co, OK. Steven Evan Burt, b. 24 Feb., 1854, Rockford, Coosa, AL. d. 06 Sept, 1919, Grady Co, Rush Springs, OK., Orran Oscar Burt, b. 01 Jan, 1858, Rockford, Coosa, AL, d. 21 Jan, 1943, Arapahoe, Custer County, OK, buried at Arapaho Ceme
John William Burt served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War. He died at Camp Chase, OH, the Union Prison Camp, on April28, 1865, roughly one week before the end of the War.
Children of Sarah Calfee and David Coffman, Leroy Coffman, Robert Coffman, and Lula B. Coffman, b. 1868, d. Rush Springs, Grady County, OK. she married a Hovis. My Dad, Guy E. Burt, lived in Rush Springs as a boy, and he remembers David Coffman, said he
was a very nice old man, and he recalls that he liked to tell Ghost stories, and he entertained the children with them. The Oren you have is probably from Sarah's son, Orran Oscar Burt, I imagine. Orran Oscar was my Dad's great uncle Hope you don't min
my update, but doubt that you will. I do have a copy of a photo of David C. and Sarah Coffman, and believe I have a paper stating that David was the guardian of Sarah's children. If you would like to have them, you may, by sending your mailing address.
I also have the marriage certificate of Sarah Ann and John William Burt.
Jeanette Harper
ed myer - 11/18/99 03:43:20
My Email:edmyer@tiac.net
Liked your site for the Platt info - thanks
Phil Crowther - 11/16/99 05:03:02
My Email:crowther@southwind.net
Found your listing of Royces interesting.
I have a Charles Royce, b. c 1853, IN, m. Julia McElroy, bef 1876, IA. They had three children, Mary (b. 1876), Bertha (b. 1879) and Lyda (b. aft 1880). Noticed you also had a few Berthas.
Charles was listed in the 1880 Census as a Section Chief on the RR. He may have died before 1882, as it appears that Julia remarried in that year.
Appreciate any thoughts.
Donald Keiffer - 11/15/99 18:35:49
My URL:http://www.flash.net/~dkeiffer
My Email:dkeiffer@flash.net
Hello; My name is Donald Keiffer and I am researching my ROOT line and stumbled onto your site about John ROOT b. Feb 26 1607/1608 Badby, Eng. Would it be possible to get a gedcom of all of his descendants so I can so I can add them to my ROOTS research.
have a gedcom that was given to me of his and his wife's ancestors. Thank you very much.
Gerard Haack - 11/13/99 22:57:46
My Email:gerardhaack@zonnet.nl
I am interesting in my genealogical tree
Jane Armstrong - 11/10/99 11:00:30
My Email:jarm@ntin.net
Elizabeth Amanda Hughes Calfee Coffman (Betsy) is my gg grandmother. I descend from the Calfee marriage and Sarah (Sally) Calfee that married Josiah (Joseph) Jacobs. My father, Scott Jacobs, went with his grandmother, Sarah, to Betsy's funeral at Joseph
ne in 1928. Thanks for making the picutre of Betsy and sisters available. I had only one other picture of her.
I go back as far as Benjamin Hughes, Simeon Hughes father. I only know of two of Benjamin's marriages, Anne Mason and Milly ? and assume that Mason was the mother of Simeon. No documentation.
Also have some on the Thompsons. I have just started some research on the Masons.
Thanks again,
Jane Jacobs Armstrong
Linda Pugh - 11/08/99 09:56:44
My Email:pughlinda@netscape.net
I am a direct descendant of Rev. John Beach through Thomas & Sarah, and Zophar & Martha Pratt.
Roberta - 11/03/99 16:36:28
My Email:babe@netdirect.net
I have a Jacob Coffman from Maryland who traveled to Ky, maybe this is the same lines.
Susan BARLOW Holmes - 11/03/99 07:15:03
My URL:http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~barlow/
My Email:sholmes@centurytel.net
I'd like to ask you to join the Barlow Genealogy Webring. I can create a logo to compliment the page you'd like to show it on...if you'll give me the url..I'd appreciate it if you'd consider it. thanks..susan
Cathy Shelley - 10/28/99 15:58:50
My Email:cathyshelley@hotmail.com
Great site! My Langdon's are the same as yours up to Reuben. My gggrandfather was Henry William Langdon who m.Caroline Wisner.
Julie Roden - 10/25/99 02:17:42
My Email:conan_and_andy@hotmail.com
Hi! My father is from MN and the line of Rodens' there. I am just so curious how the Rodens' ended up in MN. I have heard stories that there were two Roden brothers that got separated in the Chicago fire and one came to MN. Thus, starting the Rodens t
ere. I am 16 and really interested in this stuff. Great site but nothing I needed to know.
angela Roden - 10/25/99 02:08:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/nashville/rodeo/9657/index.html
My Email:www.hotmail.com
Hi there...
There seems to be a lot of rodens in the southern part of the U.S. but not much for states like MN and WY where I'm from. WOnder why...
Sue - 10/22/99 23:58:24
My Email:sue@ziggycom.net
Nathaniel Brooks' brother John W. Brooks was my
ggg grandfather. Their father was William Brooks
b.22 Jun 1789 in Va. Mother was Nancy Oldrum
Matthews b. 5 Dec 1794 in Va.d.1878 in Hopkins Co.
Ky. They were married 16 Nov 1813 Prince Edward Co