My Grandpa Parmer grew up in Logan Co. Ohio. He was the son of Stanley Alvin Parmer and Allie Belle Morris. Stanley had a twin brother named Seymore. My Grandpa Homer Lester was also a twin and his brother was named Herbert Chester. Herbert moved his family to Michigan. Homer married Grace Emily Mackey and settled in Franklin County. Homer later moved his family to Pickaway County, where he worked his own dairy farm. I was fortunate enough to spend much of my childhood following Granpa around the family farm. Grandpa had a special technique to make his cows give more milk. He kept a radio in the barn and played it while he milked the cows. He sold the milk to the Cudaha Dairy. Grandpa loved to paint and do wood crafts. Every year the entire farm got a fresh coat of white paint. Grandpa's favorite saying was "if it moves, grease it. If it don't, paint it". Grandpa was always kind and patient, even when I buried myself in the corn crib. Grandma Parmer was a graduate of the Franklin Business School of Columbus. She married Grandpa right after graduating, never having the opportunity to go to work. Grandma was the best cook I've ever known, I really loved her Rubarb Pie. Grandma was also well known for her sewing talent. She did crochet, needle point, and embroidery well into her eightieth year. |