Child Safety Tips
Part 2

     What you as a parent should do to safeguard your child. Prepare your child for the *real world*. Let them know what is in store for them....explaining things they may encounter.

You As A Parent Should

* Have your child fingerprinted and keep the prints in a safe place along with a recentphoto of your child. If your child is missing, this will be the biggest help for authorities inlocating your child.
* Take a photo of your child each year. Keep a record of their height and weight for preschoolers four times a year. They grow up very quick.
* Know where your child is at all times. Make it a point to know their friends, especially older ones.
* Not let your child go in a public rest room alone.
* Not put your child's name....first or last....on hats, jackets, bikes, etc. Remember a child will always respond to a name. A person using that name will automatically not be thought of as a stranger.
* Listen when your child when they tell you they do not want to be with a certain person.
There has got to be a reason for this and ask them to talk about it with you. Tell them you will not get mad for any reason. Never belittle any fear or concern your child has....imaginary or real. This person may be doing harm to them and that could be the reason for them not wanting to be with them.
* Tell your child that if anything ever happens to them, you will look for them no matter how long it takes to find them. Make them aware you love them and you will find them at all costs.
* Talk to your child about the possibility of kidnapping, and teach them hoe to get help if they are abducted. Do not shelter them from the possibility of this taking place. Keeping your child sheltered from such things will hurt them in the long run. If you teach them what to do if it ever happens, they will remember what you had said to them.

      Teach your children these basic things. There seems to be allot to teach them, but you don't have to cram it all in at once. Doing that will only turn the child off. Take your time doing this by teaching them a couple of things a week and repeating it. Make it into a game about teaching them love to play games. In your every day activities with your child, ask them one of the tips you taught them and see if they can remember it. Don't get mad at them if they didn't remember....just repeat the tip to them. You'll be surprised the next time you ask them the same question....they are far from stupid and will learn allot faster if you have a little compassion in teaching them.

      By making it a game they will comprehend to it a lot easier. Don't make it a complex game of questions and answers. Have a little fun in doing it and you'll have better results. Don't force them into playing the game. If it is not a voluntary game, they will not grasp what your trying to tell them....just do everyday things different with them inserting a tp here and there. They will remember it if your not persistent.


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