Legislative Act of the Royal Colony of New Jersey - July 8th, 1730

GEORGIJ Secondi Regis

An ACT for the better enabling divers Inhabitants of the Province of New-Jersey to hold Lands, and invest them with Priviledges of natural born Subjects of said Province.

WHEREAS Godfrey Peters, Hendrick Bast, Johan Willem Snoek, Nicholas Signe, Johannes Laux, Willem Guise, Jacob Moor, Hieronimus Keyser, Joseph Bast, Rudolph Herley, Anthoney Hubbach, Johan Moor, Johan Ludowick Rightmier, Jacob Houselt, Johannes Yager, Johannes Peter Lager, Paul Flag, Jacob Peer, Hendrick Dirdorf, Christian Cornelius, Carel Hierlogh, Bartholomeus Melsbogh, Hendrick Yager, Jacob Eigh, Christian Hassel, Johan Housilt, Johan Philip Kaes, Johan Peter Rockefelter and his two Sons, namely, Peter Rockefelter and Johannes Rockefelter, Peter Bodine, Jacob Engle, Jacob Sartor and his two Sons, namely, Johannes Sartor and Hendrick Sartor, Johan Berg and his three Sons, namely, Johannes Berg, Pieter Berg and John Berg, John Gerig Miller, Johan Young, Martin Fisher and his two Sons, namely, Jacob Fisher and Philip Fisher, Koenraet Kull, Hendrick Snoek, William Han, Christopher Snider, Jacob Gerhart, Willem Engle, Pieter Fisber, Pieter Young, Herbert Homer, Koenraet Heinerigh, Adam Homer, Willen Billesfelt, Willem Kaes, Paul Kole, Hieronimus Horn, Matteys Smith, Carel Maret, Johannes Giddeman, and his Son Hendrick Giddeman, mattys Kaalsitt, Hendrick Weever, Ann Stagg, Anthony Dirdorf and his four Sons, namely Peter Dirdorf, John Dirdorf, Anthony Dirdorf and Christian Dirdorf, were born under the Leigance of the Emperor of Germany, and other Princes in Amity with the Crown of Great Britain, and have settled themselves and their Effects in this Province of New-Jersey, and desirous of enjoying the Privileges and Benefits which natural born Subjects of the Crown of Great Britain enjoy, and have by their humble Petition prayed Leave to bring in a Bill for Naturalizing them the said Petitioners, and as the said Petitioners do profess the Protestant Religion, and have given Testimony of their Duty, Loyalty and Affection to His Majesty, King George the Second, and the Succession of the Crown in the Protestant Line.

May it please the Governor at the humble Suit of the said Petitioners, that it may be Enabled, And, Be it Enacted by the Governor, Council and General Assembly now met and asembled, and by the Authority of the Same, That Godfrey Peters, Hendrick Bast, Johan Willem Snoek, Nicholas Signe, Johannes Laux, Willem Guise, Jacob Moor, Hieronimus Keyser, Joseph Bast, Rudolph Herley, Anthony Hubbach, Johan Moor, Johan Ludowick Rightmier, Jacob Houselt, Johannes Yager, Johannes Peter Yager, Paul Hag, Jacob Peer, Hendrick Dirdorf, Christian Cornelius, Carel Hierlogh, Bartholomeus Melsbogh, Hendrick Yager, Jacob Eigh, Christian Hassel, Johan Housilt, Johan Philip Kaes, Johan Peter Rockefelter and his two Sons, namely, Peter Rockefelter and Johannes Rockefelter, Peter Bodine, Jacob Engle, Jacob Sartor and his two Sons, namely Johannes Sartor and Hendrick Sartor, Johan William Berg and his three Sons, namely, Johanns Berg, Pieter Berg and John Berg, John Gerig Miller, Johan Young, Martin Fisher and his two Sons, namely, Jacob Fisher and Philip Fisher, Koenraet Kull, Hendrick Snoek, William Han, Christopher Snider, Jacob Gerhart, Willem Engle, Pieter Fisher, Pieter Young, Herbert Homer, Koenraet Heinerigh, Adam Homer, Willem Billesfelt, Willem Kaes, Paul Kole, Hieronimus Horn, matteys Smith, Carel Maret, Johannes Giddeman, and his Son Hendrick Giddeman, mattys Kaalsitt, Hendrick Weever, Ann Stage, Anthony Dirdorf and his four Sons, namely, Peter Dirdorf, John Dirdorf, Anthony Dirdorf and Christian Dirdorf, are and shall be to all Intents and Purposes deemed taken and esteemed his Majesty's natural born Subjects of this Province of New Jersey, as if they and each of them had been born within the said Province, and shall and may, and every of them shall and may with this Province take, receive, enjoy and be entitled to all Rights, Priviledges and Advantages of natural born Subjects, as fully to all Intents, Constructions and Purposes whatsoever as any of His Majesty's natural born Subjects of this Province can do or ought to enjoy by Virtue of their beign His Majesty's natural born Sujects of His Majesty's said Province of New-Jersey.

Provided always, and it is hereby declared, That this Act nor any Thing therein contained shall be construed of as to enable the several Persons herein named to be capable of being of His Majesty's Council of this Province, or to be Member of General Assembly, or enjoy any Office or Place of Trust or Profit, or by taking any Grant from the Crown, or from the Governor for the Time being, any Law, Usage or Custom to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.

(Transcription by Ronald J. Sortor)

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