Wills & Administrations

Richard Stout - 9 June 1703

1703, Jun 9. Stout, Richard, senior, of Middletown; will of. Wife_____. Sons - John, Richard, James, Jonathan, David, Benjamin; daughters - Mary, Alse, Sarah; daughter-in-law Marey Stoute and her son John, kinswoman Mary Stoute, daughter of Peter Stout. Real and personal property. Executors - sons John & Jonathan. Witnesses - Richard hartshorne, John Weepham and Peter Vandevandeter (?). Proved Oct. 23, 1705. Lib. I, p. 120 & Monmouth Wills.

1705, Oct. 6. Inventory or personal estate (64.8.0 pounds, mostly hogs, cattle, horses and sheep); made by Obadiah Bowne and James Hubbard.

(Transcribed by Ron Sortor)

Jonathan Stout - 24 November 1722

1722 Nov. 24. Stout, Jonathan, of Hopewell, Hunterdon Co., yeoman; will of. Children Joseph, Sarah, Gannah, Benjamin, Zebulon, Jonathan, David, Samuel, Anne. Real and personal estate (1/16 of a propriety share). Executor - Andrew Smith. Witnesses - Hezekiah Bonham, Hezekiah Bunell, Bartho. Corevine. Proved Mar. 25, 1723. Lib. 2, p. 219.

1722-3 Mar. 24. Inventory of personal estate, 362.2.10 3/4 pounds, incl. a clock 7.10 pounds, two negro girls 20 pounds, a negro man 35 pounds; made by Thomas Runion and Thomas Reed.

(Transcribed by Ron Sortor)

Jacob Sorter - 13 January 1752

1752, Jan. 13. Sorter, Jacob, of Somerset Co. Int. Bond of Johannes Peter Sorter, of Somerset Co., Yeoman, as Adm'r; William Skinner, Jr., of Perth Amboy, merchant, fellowbondsman. Lib. F, p. 14.

1752, Jan. 6. A citation was issued to Johannes Peter Sorter, son of Jacob Sorter, to show cause why he does not administer, and why letters should not be issued to Jacob Vastbinder, who married a duaghter of the deceased.

1752, Jan. 29. Inventory 73.9.0 pounds made by Geisbert Sutfin, Peter Berrien and Peter Nevius.

(Transcribed by Ron Sortor)

John Blaw, Sr. - 1 September 1756

1756, Sept. 1. Blaw, John, Sr., of Somerset Co., yeoman; will of. Children - John (eldest son), Antje, (widow of Abraham Ouke), Janetje, (wife 0f John Doxey) and Frederick, son-in-law (step son?) Henry Sartor, who has son John. Personal property, incl. a silver "drink beker [sic]", 6 silver spoons, and silver punch bowl. Executors - son. John, son-in-law Hdenry Sartor and John Berrien. Witnesses - Janes Sutphin, Anthony Denton & Calib Haveland. Proved Oct. 17, 1757. Lib. 8, p. 480.

1757, Oct. 11. Inv. 947.10.8 pounds, incl. bills, bonds, cash and notes, 775.62 pounds, a plate tankard and 5 spoons, 14.18 pounds; a negroman and woman, 30 pounds; made by Arthur Sutven and Zebulon Stout.

(Transcribed by Ron Sortor)

Hendrick Sortore, Sr. - 3 August 1793

1793, Aug. 3. Sortore, Hendrick, Sr., of Somerset Co.; will of. Wife, Rebecca, 3 milch [sic] cows, 6 sheep, necesary household furniture, negro man Dick, and use and privileges of house while a widow; she supporting sons, Jesse and Elisha, until of age. Son, Peter, house and land where he now lives; also 50 acres near the Rock MIll, bought to Thomas Peterson. Sons, Hendreick and George, home plantation, divided beteen them; also,the framing utensils and grain, divided between them and my widow. Youngest sons, Jesse and Elisha, each 200 pounds (to be paid by sons Hendrick and George in 5 yearly installments). Daughters, Mary Hunt (wife of Jonathan Hunt) and Amelia Blue (wife of Isaac Blue) each 5 pounds. 4 daug hters, i.e., Catharine Blue (widow), Dinah Tillyer, Mary Hunt, Amelia Blue and granson William Wart (son of John Wart), the residue. Wife's share of estate to be divided between all of the children after her marriage of decease. Executors - sons, Peter, Hendrick and George Sortore. Witnesses - Arthur Sutphen, Sr., Arthur Sutphen, Jr., Ralph Elberson. Proved Mar 5, 1794. Lib. 33, p. 432.

1794, Apr. 25. Inventory, 235.12.9 pounds; made by Arthur Sutphen, Sr. and Roel of Hagaman. File 949R.

(Transcribed by Ron Sortor)

Joost Duryee - 11 September 1794

1794, Sep 11. Duryee, Joost, of Somerset Co.; will of. Sons, Simeon and William, all real estate, they paying my daughters, Magdalen Barkelow, Dinah Van Liew, Mary Davis and Anne Sortor, 125 pounds to each of them. Son, Frederick, note against him for 100 pounds; also 50 pounds: 10 paid for him on bond in hands of Derrick Lefferts of New York, and 50 pounds. Obligations held by sons, Simeon and William to be deducted from movable estate before division. Movables to be sold. The portion left son William, and daughters, Mary Davis and Anne Sortor, by their grandfather, William Baird, to be added to residue and residue equally divided amougst att the children. Executors - sons, Simeon and William. Witnesses - David Covenhoven, John Reeve, Jacobus Lake. Proved Oct. 18, 1794. Lib. 34, p. 542.

1794, Oct. 16. Inventory, 831.18 pounds; made by David Covenhoven and Thomas Sotter [Sortore]. File 937R.

(Transcribed by Ron Sortor)

Arthur Sutphen 20 September 1797

Calander of NJ Wills

June 1, 1797. Lib. 37, p. 21.

1797 Sept 20 SUTPHIN, Arthur, of Western Precinct, Somerset Co., ; Will of.

Wife; Jane, 2 rooms in house with furniture; also 2 cows, 1 hog and 1/3 of profits of plantation and firewood, during her life. Son Arthur home plantation, after his mother decease; also lands in Hillsborough Twsp., said Co.; he to pay unto Ida Vanzant; also to pay in 7 payments to estate to 4 granddaughters (unnamed) daughters of John, Sons Gizebert, Richard, James and Arthur, each 2 shares of estate. Daughters Charity Snedeker, Ida Schenck, Jane Sortore and Penelope Mufort, each 1 share , Exectors sons Gizebert and Arthur. Witnesses Wilson Stout, Luke Egerton and Arthur Schenck.

Proved Nov 22, 1798.

(Transcribed by Scott Whitham)

Samuel Stout 5 November 1799

"Be it remembred that I Samuel Stout of Randoph County and State of North Carolina being far advanced in years do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following and first I will that all my just debts be paid and discharged as soon as may be after my decease by my executors.

Item I give and bequeath unto my wife Elizabeth Stout all my househould furniture and also a sufficient maintenance on that part of my land I now live on during her widdowhood to be provided at the expense of my son Henry Stout

Item I give and bequeath unto my son Henry Stout one hundred acres of   land whereon I now live including all the buildings and orchard and spring to him and his heirs forever on conditions that he shall alow and provide for his mother a sufficent maintainence from time to time as before expressed and also I give unto my son Henry all the farming utensils and a bay mare and a yong horsher colt.

Item And it is my mind and will that the rest of my land shall be so dispossed of as shall be thought most convenient to be equally divided amongst my eight sons namely Samuel, Peter, John, Charls, Jacob, Joseph, William and Jonathan Stout, share and part alike

Item I leave to my daughter Elizabeth Stout six dollars

Item I leave to my daughter Catharine Stout twenty dollars

Item I leave to my daughter Mary Sout ten dollars

Item I leave to my daughter Rachel Cantrel wife of Jones Cantrel half a dollar with what I have alredy give her is to be her share of my estate

And lastly I nominate constitute and appoint my cousins Charles Stout and John Alan my sole executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking and disanuling all former wills in witness whereof to all and every part of the above said will I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fifth day of November 1799.

Samuel (X) Stout

Wit: John Scotten

Jacob Hidet (?) [this surname hard to read]

John (X) Rivit (?) [this surname hard to read]

(Transcribed by Sharron Spencer)

Hezekiah Stout - 30 October 1810

1810, Oct. 30. Stout, Hezekiah, of Hopewell Twsp., Henterdon Co.; will of. Eppentus, all real and personal estate, after debts are paid for life. After her death, northerly part of farm whereon I live, adjoining Luke Wert's, Andrew Bills, to be sold; also 7 acres of woodland, deeded to me by William Garrison in 1807 (adjoining Isaac Wicoff and William Sydam). Money so arising to be divided in 8 parts. One part to Daniel Smith, (son of my first wife). One part to Margaret Heabron (daughter of my second wife). One part to Jacob Sortor, to Thomas Sortor, to John Sortor, to Catharine Baker, to Eppentus Foster, to First Baptist Church of Hopewell, the interest there for members of said church. If one or more of the seven last named legatees should die before the legacy becomes due, then said legancy to survivers of the seven. Ton Anne Sortor (daughter of my present wife), all rest of my land (southerly part). Executors - David Stout, Esq., Anne Sortor, Nathan Stout, of Somerset Co. Witnesses - Nathan Stout, John Wert, Jr. John Stout, John Merrel, Andrew Belles. Proved Apr. 15, 1814, when David Stout, Jr. and Nathan Stout signed as Executors.

1814, Apr. 13. Inventory, $78.50; made by David Stout, Sr., Ira Stout. File 2699J.

Jacob Sorter - 1 July 1814

1814, Jul 1. Sorter, Jacob, of Montgomery Twsp., Somerset Co. "a lunatic," Int. Inventory $1,244.58; made by Nathan Stout, Martin Nevious, William Duryea, John Stout, guardians, July 2, 1814. File 1597R.

(Transcribed by Ron Sortor)

Jacob Sortore - 17 June 1819

1819, Jun 17. Jacob Sortore, will of. In the name of God Amen! I Jacob Sortore of the Township of Montgomery in the County of Somerset and Sate of New Jersey being of sound and disposing mind and memory, do, on this thirty first day of August..- in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and Ten, make, ordain and publish this my last will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say_____Imprimis. It is my will and I do hereby order and direct that all my just debts and funeral charges, be paid out of my personal estate by my Executors herein after named, as soon after my decease as the same can be conveniently be done. Item. I give, devise and bequeath to my beloved Wife Anne the sum of thirteen hundred and thirty three dollars and thirty three cents to be paid to her in one year after my decease. Item. I give devise and bequeath also to my said Wife Anne all the rest of my residue of my Estate real and personal (not herein otherwise disposed of) for and during her natural life. Item. It is my will and I do hereby order and direct that all the negros of which I die possessed may immediately after my decease be set free. Item. It is my will that after my the death of my Wife my Estate both real and personal be divided amoung my two Brothers Thomas and John Sortore and my four Sisters Peggy Hepburn, Anne Sortore, Catharine Baker and Ipanetus Foster in manner following (that is to say) my brother Thomas Sortore and my Sisters Peggy Hepburn, Anne Sortore, Catharine Baker and Ipanetus Foster to have equal shares and my brother John Sortore to have three hundred dollars less than either of them, to whom respectively their Respective Heirs and Assigns I give devise and bequeath the same. Lastly I do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint Matin Nevious and John Stout, Esquire, both of the County Township and State aforesaid Executors of this my last Will and Testament, hereby disannulling and revoking all other and former Wills and Testaments, by me at any time heretofore made or published, ratifying declaring and affirming this, and this alone to be my true and only last Will and Testament. In Winess whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal on the day and year first above writtne. Signed, sealed, published and delcared, by the said Jacob Sortore of us and who in the presence of the said Testator, and each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses. Wm Hight, Joseph________, Robert F. Fight.

(Transcribed by Ron Sortor)

William Sortore - 29 January 1864

Record of the Last Will of William Sortore

I William Sortore of the town of Amity, Allegheny county and state of New York being of sound and disposing mind and memory do make, publish and declare this my last will and testament in manner following that is to say:

First:  I direct my funeral charges, the expense of administering my estate and all my debts be paid out of my personal estate and if that be insufficient I expressly  charge the payment thereof  or of any deficiency upon the real estate _?_  or possessed and for that purpose I authorize my Executors herein after named to sell  sufficient for that purpose.

Second:  I give and bequeath to my Executors hereinafter named the sum of two thousand dollars in trust to receive the interest these of and pay the interest thereof  to my wife during her natural life and after her death the same to be equally divided between my children Emily Nobles, Matilda Jadwin,  Ruth Ann Windus, Voorhees, Thomas and Dianna, Amy & Elisha

Third:  I give and devise to my son Voorhees the homestead farm of about 60 acres upon which I now reside charged with the use of my house thereon by my wife as a home for my children  Dianna and Amy during my wife's lifetime.  I also give and devise to my son Voorhees about 38 acres joining and south of Henry Sortore's farm  being the lot upon which there is now _?_.  My said Homestead is also charged with the use of the house there upon by my children Dianna and Amy until they shall become of age or shall marry.

Fourth:  I give and bequeath to my wife during her lifetime all the household furniture of which I may die possessed:

Fifth:  I give and bequeath to my son Voorhees the gray horses now in my possession:

Sixth:  I give and devise to my son Thomas about 80 acres in said town of Amity lying east of the old Cook farm and west of Jonathan Sortore's place being the same  I bought from Phillip Church and  wife by deed  _?_ state January 4th 1851. I also give and bequeath to my son Thomas all the Bounty money on Bounty notes which he has or which he would be entitled to by reason  of his having enlisted as a soldier in the United States Service

Seventh:  I give and devise all the rest  and residue or my real estate to my Execturos hereinafter named Henry Sortore and Jesse Sortore in trust to be sold by my said Executors as soon as the same can be advantageously done and the avails to be divided share and share alike between my following named children Emily Noble, Matilda Jadwin, Ruth Ann Windus, Thomas, Elisha, Dianna and Amy.

Eighth:  The rest of and residue of my personal estate not herein disposed of I direct and authorize my said Executors Henry and Jesse Sortore to sell and dispose of and divid share and share alike between my following named children as they shall become of age. Emily Noble, Matilda Jadwin, Ruth Ann Windus, Elisha, Thomas, Dianna and Amy.  And that the interests of the minors of my children shall be invested by my said Executors and paid over to them respectively as they shall become of age:

Ninth:  I hereby nominate and appoint by brothers Henry and Jesse Sortore executors of this my last will and testament hereby  revoking all former wills by me made.

In witness whereof I have hereto subscribed my name this 29th day of January 1864.

William Sortore

We whose names are hereto subscribed do certify that William Sortore the testator authorized his name to be subscribed to this instructment in our presence and in the presence of each of us and at the same time he declared in our presence and hearing that the same was his last will and testament and requested us to sing our names thereto as witnesses to the execution of these of which we  we have done in the presence of the testators and of each other the day of the day of the date of the said will:

E. W. Chamberlain of Amity, Allegany Co, N.Y.
Harmon H. Sortore of Friendship, Allegany Co., N.Y.

Surrogate County County of Allegany

In the matter of proving
the will of William Sortore

County of Allegany, N. Y.

E. W. Chamberlain of Amity and Harmon H. Sortore of the town of Friendship in the county of Allegany aforesaid, being duly sworn do depose and say  that they were the subscribing witnesses to the last will and testament of William Sortore late of the town of Amity in the county of Allegany aforesaid deceased and these despondents further say that the said Wm Sortore the said testator did in the presence of these despondents subscribe his name  at the end of the instrument which is now shown and exhibited to these despondents which purports to be the last will and testament of the said  William Sortore and which bears date on the 29th day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty four.  And these despondents further say that the said testator did at the said time of  subscribing his name as aforesaid at the end of said will declare the said instrument so subscribed and and now exhibited to be his last will and testament and these despondents in the presence of each other did thereupon  subscribe their names at the end of said will as attesting witnesses thereto in the presence and at the request of the said testator.  And these despondents further say that the said time when the said testator subscribed his name to the said last will as aforesaid and at the time of these despondents subscribing their names as attesting witnesses thereto as aforesaid the said testator was of sound mind and memory of full age to execute a a will and was not under any restraint.  And that the said will now approve in all respects as when so executed with any attention whatsoever.

Subscribed and sworn}            E. W. Chamberlain
this 7th day of March 1864}       Harmon H. Sortore

before me W. Hatch Surrogate of said county, Allegany County, NY

It appearing upon proofs duly taken in respect to the last will and testament of William Sortore late of the town of Amity in said county of Allegany  deceased.  That the said will was duly executed and that the said William Sortore at the time he executed the same was in all respects competent to devise real estate and not under restraint.  The said last will and testament are hereby recorded, signed and certified by me pursuant to the provision of the Revised Statutes this seventh day of March 1864.  Walcott Hatch, Surrogate

[Transcription  by Ronald J. Sortor]

John Sortor - 17 April 1895

I, John Sortor of the township of Raisinville County of Monroe and Sate of Michigan being of sound mind and memory do make publish and decalre this my last will and testament in manner following,____. I give devise and bequeath all of my real property both real and persoan to my son and daughter Justus Sortor and Catharine T. Sortor in trust for the following purposes. To sell and convey so much and such parts of said property as may be necessary or as to them shall seem best and to apply the proceeds of such sales as they make to pay all my debts and to erect on my grave an monument to cost not less that one hundred and fifty dollars and to invest the balance of said proceeds at interest upon good security and to manage, control and care for all of my said property and to pay the income from all moneys and the cents, income and profits from all property to my wife for and during her mnatural life and after her death to divide all of said property remaining unsold and the proceeds of all property sold remaining in their hands amoung my children as follows - To pay to Emma Lilliam Murphy the sum of two hum\ndred dollars and to divide the balance equally among my five children, Justus Sortor, Catharine T. Sortor, Elijah Sortor, Emma Lilliam Murphy and Adaline E. Mills - The provisions herein made for my said wife shall be in lew and stead of any and all rights by law she would have in my estate. I hereby nominate and appoint Justus Sortor and Catharine T. Sortor Executors of this will and hereby make all former wills by me made.

Witness my hand and seal this 17th day of April 1895 -

his John (X) Sortor mark

Signed sealed and declared by the testor as his last will and testament in our presence and we at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunot signed our names as witnesses the day and year above written. H.A. Lockwood (signature) Monroe, John Liedel (signature) Exeter Mich.(Transcribed by Ron Sortor)

Justus Sortor - 17 May 1924

I Justus Sortor of Monroe in the County of Monroe and the State of Michigan being of sound mind and memory, do make, publish and declare this to be my Last will and Testament, in manner following, viz: FIRST, I will and direct that all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid in full. SECOND, I give devise and bequeath one hundred and fifty each to the following who ? Children of my Daughter now deceased. To with Hugh Brightbill, Roy Brightbill, ? Brightbill. The balance of my estate I give, will, bequeath in equal shares to the following named persons who are sons and duaghters of mine. Wo wit Arthur Sortor, Elmer Sortor, Edith Sortor Gilmer, and Lillian Sortor Golden. I hereby appoint Elmer Sortor, my son of Raisinville, Monroe Coounty, Mich. Executor of this my Last Will and Testament. Lastly, I hereby revoke all former wills by me at any time made. In Witness Whereof, I have hereon set my hand and seal the 17th day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty four. Justus Sortor (signature). On this 17th day of May A.D. 1924 Justus Sortor of Monroe in the County of Monroe and State of Michigan signed the foregoing instrument in our presence and declared it to be his Last Will and Testament, and as witnesses thereof we do now at his request, in his presence and in the presence of each other, hereto subscribe our names. Vivian B. Morton, residing at Monroe, Mich. Harry Hackett, residing at Monroe, Mich.


I Justus Sortor, of the city of Monroe, County Monroe and State of Michigan, being of sound mind and memory, do hereby make and declare this to be a codicil to my fore going will and testament. I approve of the said will in every respect except that I hereby appoint my daughter Lillian Golden as executor of my last will to act jointly wiht my son Elmer Sortor therein appointed. Witness my hand and seal this tenth day of December A.D. 1924.

Justus Sortor SEAL.

On this tenth 10th day of December A.D. 1924, Justus Sortor, of Monroe Michigan, signed the foregboing instrument in our presence and declare the same to be a codicil to his last will and testament and we at his request in his prence and in the presence of each other hereto subscribe our names as witnesses.

Lydia M. Frank (signature) of Monroe, Mich.

Bertha C. Frank (signature) of Monroe, Mich.

(Transcribed by Ron Sortor)

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