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A compilation from the archives prepared and published by the Secretary of the Commonwealth in accordance with Chapter 100, Resolves of 1891 Boston: Wright & Potter Printing Co., State Printers 18 Post Office Square - 1902

NOTE All name. are given exactly as they appear on the original records. The order of arrangement of the facts of service in each individual record given is the same, as nearly as possible, as the original entries, and is as follow.: The name; the place of residence, if given; the rank; the kind of document whereon the record appear.; the enlistment and discharge, if given; the time of service; remarks.

A discrepancy will sometimes be noted between the service given and the actual service as figured between the dates of enlistment and discharge. The difference Is accounted for by the practice of including, with service performed, a time allowance for travel on the basis of one day for every 20 miles out or home. As the same name may appear under various forms each carrying some portion of a record of service, it is necessary in order to obtain the complete record, as far as preserved, of any given Individual, to examine all the forms under which a name is stated to appear in the Record Index.


MESERVEY, NATHANIEL, Scarborough. Private, Capt. Benjamin Larrabe’s Co.; marched Oct. 25, 1776; discharged No,. 2, 1776; service, 8 days, under Col. Jonathan Mitchel; company ordered out by Col. Freeman to fortify Falmouth.

Source: Massachusetts Soldiers & Sailors of the Revolutionary War obtained from Volume X, Lua - Mop, p. 693

MESARVE, John, Scarborough. Private, Capt. Benjamin Larrabe’s co., regt.; marched July 9, 1779; discharged Sept. 12, 1779; service, 2 ——on Penobscot expedition.

MESARVEY, BENJAMIN. Private, Lleut. Alexander Kelloch’s Co.; service, 1 mu. pany detached from Col. Wheaton’s and Col. Jones’s regta. by order Gen. Cnshing to protect eastern part of Lincoln Co. and stationed at Ca... St. Georges from Nov. 13, 1779, to Feb. 13, 1780.

MESERVE, —. [This name also appears under the form of Mesarve, Meservee, Meservey,  Messerve, Messervy.)

MESERVE, ELISHA, Scarborough. Lieutenant, Capt. Abraham Tyler’s Co., Col. Edmund Phinney’s (31st) regt.; billeting allowed from date of engagement, April 24, 1775, to date of marching to headquarters, July 6, 1775; credited with 73day allowance; also, 1st Lieutenant, same co. and regt.; company return dated Sept. 29, also Capt. Abraham Tyler’s co.; regimental return with accompanying petition to the Council, dated Oct. 4, 1775, signed by Col. Edmund Phiney, stating that he had commanded a regiment during "the present campaign," but had never been commissioned, and asking that he, with the officers, in his regiment, be recommended to Gen. Washington for commissions; service rendered with the army at Cambridge; ordered in Council Oct. 6, 1775, that said officers be recommended for commissions in the Continental Army; also, 1st Lieutenant, Capt. Abraham

Source: Massachusetts Soldiers & Sailors of the Revolutionary War obtained from Volume X, Lua - Mop, p. 694

MESERVE, ELISHA, continued.

Tyler’s (8th) Co., Col. Edmund Phinney’s regt.; muster roll of field, staff, and commissioned officers, dated Garrison at Fort George, Dec. 8, 1776; appointed Jan. 1, 1776.

MESERVE, GIDEON, Scarborough. Private, Capt. Abraham Tyler’s co., Col. Edmund Phinney’s (31st) regt.; billeting allowed from date of enlistment, May 12, 17Th, to date of marching to headquarters, July 6, 1775; credited with 54 days allowance; also, company return dated Sept. 29, 1775; reported enlisted May 1, 1775; also, order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money dated Cambridge, Oct. 28, 1775.

MESERVE, GIDEON. Official record of a ballot by the House of Representatives, dated June 22, 1776; said Meserve chosen Adjutant, 3d Cumberland Co. regt. of Mass. militia; appointment concurred in by Council June 24, 1776; reported commissioned June 24, 1776; also, Adjutant, Col. Jonathan Mitchel’s (Cumberland Co.) regt.; entered service July 8, 1779; discharged Sept. 25, 1779; service, 2 mos. 19 days, on Penobscot expedition; roll dated North Yarmouth.

MESERVE, JOHN. Private, Capt. Alexander McLellan’s co., Col. Jonathan Mitchel’s regt.; entered service July 7, 1779; discharged Sept. 25, 1779; service, 2 mos. 18 days, on Penobscot expedition. Roll dated Gorham.

MESERVE, JOHN. Private, Capt. John Reed’s co., Col. Samuel McCobb’s regt.; enlisted Aug. 18, 1781; discharged Dec. 1, 1781; service, 3 mos. 14 days, In defence of seacoast; enlistment to expire Dec. 1, 1781; regiment raised for defence of eastern Massachusetts.

MESERVE, NATHANIEL, Marblehead. Bombardier, Capt. Samuel Russell Trevett’s co., Col. Richard Gridley’s regt.; muster roll dated June 21, 1775; enlisted May 5, 1775; service, 1 mo. 16 days.

MESERVE, NATHANIEL, Scarborough. Capt. Abram Tyler’s co., Col. Edmund Phinny’s regt.; roll dated Scarborough, Oct. 25, 1777, showing men entitled to allowance for travel to headquarters at Cambridge and billeting before marching in Dec., 1775, and subsequent to Jan. 1, 1776; enlisted Dec. 9,1775; said Meserve credited with 120 miles travel and 11 days billeting.

MESERVE, SOLOMON, Scarborough. Sergeant, Capt. Abraham Tyler’s co., Col. Edmund Phinney’s (31st) regt.; billeting allowed from date of engagement. May 9, 1775, to date of marching to headquarters, July 6, 1775; credited with 57 days allowance; also, company return dated Sept. 29, 1775; also, order for bounty coat or its equivalent In money dated Cambridge, Oct. 26, 1775; also, Ensign, Capt. Abraham Tyler’s (8th) co., Col. Edmund Phinney’s regt.; muster roll of field, staff and commissioned officers, dated Garrison at Fort George, Dec. 8, 1778; appointed Jan. 1, 1776; reported discharged Sept. 30, 1776.

MESERVE, WILLIAM. 1st Lieutenant, brigantine "Satisfaction" (privateer); petition dated Boston, April 1, 1778, signed by Thomas Prince, in behalf of Job Prince and others, of Boston, asking that Nathaniel Thayer be commissioned as commander of said vessel; ordered In Council April 1, 1778, that a commission be issued; also, petition dated Boston. Aug. 31, 1778, signed by Job Prince, of Boston, asking that said Meserve be commissioned as commander of the schooner "General Lincoln" (privateer); ordered In Council Aug. 31, 1778, that a commission be issued.

MESERVE, WILLIAM. Private, Capt. Alexander McLellan’s co., Col. Jonathan Mitchel’s regt.; entered service July 7, 1779; discharged Sept.25, 1779; service, 2 mos. 18 days, on Penobscot expedition. Roll dated Gorham.

MESERVE, WILLIAM. Private, 8th cc.; entry dated Oct. 21, 1783, of an order for wages for May-July [year not given], appearing In a register of orders accepted on account of wages, etc.

Source: Massachusetts Soldiers & Sailors of the Revolutionary War obtained from Volume X, Lua - Mop, p. 695




 WAR OF 1812

Published by Brig. Genl. Gardner W. Pearson; Wright & Potter Printing Co., 32 Derne St., Boston - 1913


Meservy, Ephraim, Private, served from June 21 to Aug 22, 1814, at Beverly, Capt. N. Lamson’s Company, Lieut. Col. L. Dodge’s Regiment.

Meservy, John, Private, served from June 21 to Aug 22, 1814, at Beverly, Capt. N. Lamson’s Company, Lieut. Col. L. Dodge’s Regiment.

Source: Massachusetts Volunteer Milita in the War of 1812, p. 34

Meservy, Joseph, Private, served from June 24 to Aug 14, 1814, at Beverly, Capt. N. A. Lord’s Company, Lieut. Col. L. Dodge’s Regiment.

Meservey, Ephraim, Private, served from Sept. 24 to Oct. 11, 1814, at Beverly, Capt. N. A. Lord’s Company, Lieut. Col. L. Dodge’s Regiment.

Source: Massachusetts Volunteer Milita in the War of 1812, p. 35

Meserve, Silas, Private, served from Sept. 24 to Oct. 11, 1814, served on seacoast at Kennebunk, Limington Light Artillery Company, Capt. E. Small’s Company, under Supervision of General Goodwin.

Source: Massachusetts Volunteer Milita in the War of 1812, p. 155

Meservey, Joseph, Sergeant, served from Sept. 7, to Sept. 20, 1814; 1 day additional for travel, raised at Scarborough, service at Portland, Capt. E. Andrews’s Company, Lieut. Col. J. Burbank’s Regiment.

Source: Massachusetts Volunteer Milita in the War of 1812, p. 170

Meservey, John, Sergeant, served from Sept. 7, to Sept. 20, 1814; 1 day additional for travel, raised at Scarborough, service at Portland, Capt. H. V. Comston’s Company, Lieut. Col. J. Burbank’s Regiment.

Meservey, Andrew, Private, served from Sept. 7, to Sept. 20, 1814; 1 day additional for travel, raised at Scarborough, service at Portland, Capt. H. V. Comston’s Company, Lieut. Col. J. Burbank’s Regiment.

Meservey, Nathaniel, Private, served from Sept. 7, to Sept. 20, 1814; 1 day additional for travel, raised at Scarborough, service at Portland, Capt. H. V. Comston’s Company, Lieut. Col. J. Burbank’s Regiment.

Meservey, Thomas, Jr., Private, served from Sept. 7, to Sept. 20, 1814; 1 day additional for travel, raised at Scarborough, service at Portland, Capt. H. V. Comston’s Company, Lieut. Col. J. Burbank’s Regiment.

Meservey, William, Jr., Private, served from Sept. 7, to Sept. 20, 1814; 1 day additional for travel, raised at Scarborough, service at Portland, Capt. H. V. Comston’s Company, Lieut. Col. J. Burbank’s Regiment.

Source: Massachusetts Volunteer Milita in the War of 1812, p. 172

Meserve, Elisha, Sergeant, served from Sept. 6, to Sept. 12, 1814; raised at Dresden, service at Wiscasset, Capt. J. Johnson’s Company, Lieut. Col. E. Cutter’s Regiment.

Meserve, Daniel, Private, served from Sept. 6, to Sept. 12, 1814; raised at Dresden, service at Wiscasset, Capt. J. Johnson’s Company, Lieut. Col. E. Cutter’s Regiment.

Meserve, Reuben, Private, served from Sept. 6, to Sept. 12, 1814; raised at Dresden, service at Wiscasset, Capt. J. Johnson’s Company, Lieut. Col. E. Cutter’s Regiment.

Source: Massachusetts Volunteer Milita in the War of 1812, p. 187

Meserve, Elisha, Sergeant, served from Sept. 13, to Sept. 28, 1814; raised at Dresden, service at Wiscasset, Capt. J. Johnson’s Company, Lieut. Col. E. Cutter’s Regiment.

Meserve, Daniel, Private, served from Sept. 13, to Sept. 28, 1814; raised at Dresden, service at Wiscasset, Capt. J. Johnson’s Company, Lieut. Col. E. Cutter’s Regiment.

Meserve, Reuben, Private, served from Sept. 13, to Sept. 28, 1814; raised at Dresden, service at Wiscasset, Capt. J. Johnson’s Company, Lieut. Col. E. Cutter’s Regiment.

Source: Massachusetts Volunteer Milita in the War of 1812, p. 190

Meservey, Nathaniel, Musician, served from Sept. 7, to Sept. 23, 1814; raised at Newcastle, service at Newcastle, Capt. J. Glidden’s Company, Lieut. Col. R. Day’s Regiment.

Source: Massachusetts Volunteer Milita in the War of 1812, p. 194

Meservey, Martin, Musician, served from Sept. 3, to Sept. 9, 1814; raised at Hope, service at Camden, Capt. N. Payson’s Company, Lieut. Col. E. Foot’s Regiment.

Merservey, Barnet, Private, served from Sept. 3, to Sept. 9, 1814; raised at Hope, service at Camden, Capt. N. Payson’s Company, Lieut. Col. E. Foot’s Regiment.

Merservey, George, Private, served from Sept. 3, to Sept. 9, 1814; raised at Hope, service at Camden, Capt. N. Payson’s Company, Lieut. Col. E. Foot’s Regiment.

Source: Massachusetts Volunteer Milita in the War of 1812, p. 199

Meservey, Martin, Musician, served from Sept. 21, to Sept. 23, 1814; raised at Hope, service at Camden, Capt. N. Payson’s Company, Lieut. Col. E. Foot’s Regiment.

Meservey, Barret, Private, served from Sept. 21, to Sept. 23, 1814; raised at Hope, service at Camden, Capt. N. Payson’s Company, Lieut. Col. E. Foot’s Regiment.

Meservey, George, Private, served from Sept. 21, to Sept. 23, 1814; raised at Hope, service at Camden, Capt. N. Payson’s Company, Lieut. Col. E. Foot’s Regiment.

Meservey, John, Private, served from Sept. 21, to Sept. 23, 1814; raised at Hope, service at Camden, Capt. N. Payson’s Company, Lieut. Col. E. Foot’s Regiment.

Source: Massachusetts Volunteer Milita in the War of 1812, p. 200

Meservey, Martin, Musician, served from Oct. 11, to Nov. 19, 1814; service at Camden, Capt. C. Curtis, detached Company, Lieut. Col. E. Foot’s Regiment.

Meservey, George, Private, served from Oct. 11, to Nov. 19, 1814; service at Camden, Capt. C. Curtis, detached Company, Lieut. Col. E. Foot’s Regiment.

Source: Massachusetts Volunteer Milita in the War of 1812, p. 202

Merservey, Barret, Corporal, served from Nov. 3, to Nov. 7, 1814; raised at Hope, service at Camden, Capt. N. Payson’s Company, Lieut. Col. E. Foot’s Regiment.

Meservey, John, Private, served from Nov. 3, to Nov. 7, 1814; raised at Hope, service at Camden, Capt. N. Payson’s Company, Lieut. Col. E. Foot’s Regiment.

Source: Massachusetts Volunteer Milita in the War of 1812, p. 203

Meservey, John, Private, served from Sept. 10 to Sept. 24, 1814; raised at Yarmouth, service at Portland, Capt. D. Mitchell’s Company, Lieut. Col. J. E. Foxcroft’s Regiment.

Source: Massachusetts Volunteer Milita in the War of 1812, p. 212

Meservy, Curtis, Private, served from Sept. 8 to Sept. 20, 1814; raised at Falmouth, service at Portland, Capt. C. Knight’s Company, Lieut. Col. J. Hobbs’ Regiment.

Source: Massachusetts Volunteer Milita in the War of 1812, p. 220

Meservey, Charles, Private, served from Sept. 24 to Nov. 10, 1814; raised at Vassalboro, service at Wiscasset, Capt. J. Farwell’s Company, Lieut. Col. E. Sherwin’s Regiment.

Source: Massachusetts Volunteer Milita in the War of 1812, p. 265

Meservy, Charles, Private, served from Oct. 5 to Nov. 11, 1814; raised at Waldoboro, service at Friendship, Lieut. L. Soule’s Detachment, Lieut. Col. S. Thatcher’s Regiment.

Source: Massachusetts Volunteer Milita in the War of 1812, p. 294

Merservey, Jesse, Corporal, served from June 27 to July 11, 1814; service at Bath, Capt. J. Dustin’s Drafted Company, Lieut. Col. E. Thomas’ Regiment.

Source: Massachusetts Volunteer Milita in the War of 1812, p. 296

Meservey, Jesse, Corporal, served from Sept. 10 to Sept. 29, 1814; raised at Brunswick, service at Bath, Capt. J. Dustin’s Company, Lieut. Col. E. Thomas’ Regiment.

Source: Massachusetts Volunteer Milita in the War of 1812, p. 298

Meservy, Charles, Private, servered from Sept. 2, to Sept. 21, 1814; raised at Lincolnville, service at Belfast, Capt. T. Dunton’s Company, Lieut. Col. J. Ulmer’s Regiment.

Source: Massachusetts Volunteer Milita in the War of 1812, p. 301
Last revised September 5, 1999
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