Rick's page on Catholicism ...

Sites with info on cults

I gladly recommend these sites for people with familiars involved in cultic movements. For all christians, i urge you in God's name to study what really are cults. Since cults are deceptive in their nature, cultists can deceive any person into believing they're "just another church". Specially because cultists are sincere in their beliefs.

  1. The majority of these sites are not catholic - some are protestant, others don't have any religious affiliation.

  2. Some of these sites (like ex-JW's) use sarcastic comments at times regarding the WatchTower Society. I ask for understanding of these people since they have gone through very serious emotional abuse. In any case, their sites contain vital information regarding cults.
Resource Center for the Freedom of Mind

By Steve Hassan, a very good exit counselor. Author of "Combatting Cult Mind Control"
Mr. Hassan is actually writing a second book, in which he'll explain with more details, how to help a cult member out. I recommend you buying his book. #1


Information you need / psychological issues / contact with ex-cult members / world links

AFF Cult group information services

The A.F.F. is a secular, not-for-profit, tax-exempt research center and educational organization. AFF's mission is to studiy psychological manipulation and cultic groups, educate the public and proffesionals, and assist those who have been affected by a cult or similar group.

REST Ministries

REcovering from Spiritual Tyranny - this is a good site (non-catholic unfortunately...) designed to help RECOVERING ex-members of abusive churches (if your church condemns everyone else to hell, is told by everyone else to be a cult, and fears deprogrammers... (your church is NOT the only one!) then you should read this site. Also, this site explains what are cults and how they grab newcommers who aren't well prepared.

'Our Page'.

This is the site of a family who suffered their daughter's loss because of spiritual abuse in a fundamentalist Church (they believed in faith-only healing). Don't let yourself confused by the world "cult" (no, i'm not in a cult, i'm in a very strong 'gospel church'). Is your church abusive or not? If it is, then you DO need help.

Loi's page on Spiritual abuse

A former united-pentecostal cult member. Many important links!

Ex-member's Society

Another great site for ex-cultic recovery.


By Randall Waters (ex-JW). Has any of your friends started to go to a cult, like dianetics, the moonies, or the jehovah's witnesses? Here are some people to help you.

Psychologists at Freeminds tell you things YOU NEED TO KNOW to fight mind controlling cults like dianetics or similar groups.

Deceiving the Elect: An Scriptural and Critical Analysis of the LAUGHTER MOVEMENT

by Dr. Eddy Cheong
Toronto Blessing, Laughter movement: Are the leaders false prophets (anti-christian)? Yes! Find out why!

REDIMIR: Red De Investigaciones de Movimientos, Iglesias y Religiones

research network on movements, churches and religions
Mexican organization dedicated to the defense of catholic (and christian) faith - english version