Sure, God can't be seen and we can't give physical proofs for our faith. But based upon divine revelation, we can surely give support and very good reasons to explain why we believe.
Anti-catholic fanatics (specially ex-catholics) use agressive (and deceitful) techniques which can make us stumble from our faith. Fortunately, catholics can deeply reason our faith... if you wonder why you go to Mass, why you pray to saints, and doubt about other matters of Catholicism, you should read this.
The diferences between Catholics and Protestants can be reduced to one thing: Sola Scriptura (Bible Alone). Protestants believed that the Apostles didn't leave us any Tradition, but only the Bible, and that we don't need any authority to explain it to us. Removed this prejudice, there won't be any reasons left to attack catholic beliefs.
Instead of believing in the Bible because they believe in Jesus, Protestants believe in Jesus because they believe in the Bible. And they don't know why they believe in the Bible.
Bibliology 101: Does 2Tim 3:16 teach Sola Scriptura?A comprehensive exegetical analysis of 2Tim 3:16 and the term "man of
What pastor Bob didn't tell you about...
Reasons why the "Only the Bible" belief doesn't work in practice
The Bible and the Church:A complete answer to the article of Geisler and MacKenzie published in the Christian Research Insitute about the Bible and the Catholic Church. (includes the above analysis of 2Tim 3:16)
Did Jesus give us the Holy Spirit to just "get saved and attend a Bible Church", or to be "His witnesses unto all the world" (Acts 1:8-9)?
About Sola Fide and 'Once Saved Always saved'(Last updated: Aug 22, '98)
Are we ALWAYS saved, or saved by our Faith alone?
(NOTE: This is the "lite" version of the study below and lacks some scriptural
quotes - i have still to refine it and remove the "always saved" part.
A 4-part series of a logical,biblical & practical analysis for the doctrine of "eternal security". Does it come from God? What are the long-term consequences of this doctrine?
Why are we baptised when children?
On Authority of priests and forgiveness of sinsOn devotion to Mary
and the Saints
WARNING: 100K long. Downloading for future reading
If you can't read the full article, here's a small part, extracted for your convenience:
The Saints and the New Covenant
Do saints replace Jesus, the only mediator between God and men?
And what is this mediation REALLY about?
On the existence of Purgatory
Is purgatory compatible with the Bible?
I've seen many protestants boast on the big number of catholics who join their ranks. But when a great number of protestants become catholic, they reply "those didn't have a true conversion", because they "do not share how Jesus saved them from sin" Can this be true?
Is it good to attack the Catholic Church?About the fanatism and blind faith of anticatholics.
What ye think of Rome? parts 1 and 2by Kenneth R. Samples, for the Christian Research Institute
A protestant appraisal of the Catholic Church - A MUST READ!
(Obviously, since the author is still a _little_ biased against the catholic
church, he remains protestant. But i bet that he won't be for much time,
when he realises that Sola Scriptura is not that scriptural, and that we don't
worship saints...)
For those catholics wanting to defend their faith not only from
anti-catholics, but also from moslems. Includes a link to the 101
CLEARED UP "contradictions" in the Bible! Another must-read!
WARNING: The site is ran by non-catholics... in any case it's a great site!