Rick's page on Catholicism...

Catholic Sites

The Holy See

This is the Vatican web site. The vatican is where the Pope, shepperd of the whole Catholic Church resides. This is by default the official site of catholicism, where you can know more about the Catholic Faith, knowing that it does come from a trustable source.

Defenders of the Catholic Faith

By Steve Ray, A former baptist-fundamentalist who became catholic, and he tells us WHY. a MUST read for evangelicals! Author of "Crossing the Tiber" and "Upon this Rock"

SeaPadre's Home Page

This page is from a friend i just met on geocities. His name is Fr. Phillip Bloom. His page contains good reviews on important articles and books about catholicism. Fr. Bloom is also worried about issues as abortion, birth control and immigration. Of course, he has good articles about why many people are leaving catholicism. And links to other catholic pages, too!

Defending the Bride

By another catholic with a personal webpage :o). Has very good articles, including one on Mary and Romans 3:28, explaining us how literal interpretation of the Bible can lead to contradictions. Another good one is this: Jesus said his followers would be persecuted and attacked as he was. So, where should we start seeking for His church? Well, what's the church which is more attacked as being "devilish", "whore of babylon", "pagan"? Hhmm... :)

Biblical Evidence for Catholicism

And you thought there wasn't - well, there is! Recommended for those wanting to know what we catholics REALLY believe, and why.

Catholic Answers

This is one of the biggest catholic organizations on the net. Here you will find answers to most (if not all) your questions on catholicism, the catechism, and why we should believe on the Catholic Faith.

The Catholic Return homepage

By a former-former-catholic (these ones are the best! :). This is a very comprehensive and completely new style of apologetics... For every topic he lists ALL (yes, all!) the links about the topic, that he has read (this one's a new for me). Including his testimony.
If it wasn't because some title lines are overlapped in my browser, i would give it a 10.

Mary's disciples for Jesus

A very complete page on catholic apologetics... including the "penny catechism", a page on vocation (Is Christ Calling you?) and more!

His Mother Servants of the Holy Spirit

A very good site with lots of articles!

The life and works of St. Theresa of Avila

Ever wondered about the works of some christian mystics? Here is one. Living in a continent subject to the constant growth of anti-catholic groups (called 'sects' at that time), this nun tells us about her life and all the revelations that Jesus Christ himself has shown to her. Very productive for those who want to improve their christian life.
Note: Her works may be hard to follow, due to the translation and the modisms used in that time. But if you read them carefully, you'll see a lot of gain in your soul.

#catholic Homepage

Here's a place to talk with other catholics. This is a page of my irc (internet relay chat) friends who opened a channel for catholics, on the Undernet network. This page contains also important links to Church Documents, the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC), and other catholic pages.

The Catholic Counsil (by Tim Haines)

Here's a man who is rightly worried about those catholics who leave the Church for foolish reasons. He started a page just a few months ago, with its main goal to teach catholics about what our faith really is, and why we should believe it. I don't approve his idea of an 'exclusive club', so tell me if you find something unusual.

Mystical Rose Homepage

Rosemarie is a devote catholic worried about the unity of Christians, and in here she explains further some catholic beliefs, which not even most catholics know well. Explained in her page is Grace, the non-evil nature of human body, and devotion to Virgin Mary. Also are included many links on the apparitions of Our Lady, of Jesus Christ, and many prayers and apologetics. Keep that faith, Rosemarie!

The Holy Rosary

Ever wondered why catholics pray the rosary? What's behind it? Here you'll find some answers... this page is also available in spanish and portuguese. For those of you who want to pray the rosary often, here you will find all the prayers you need to help those people who need it most.
