Rick's page on Catholicism...

Decent protestant sites

Here are some non-catholic sites i consider interesting, for 2 reasons:

1) They're great! :)
2) They're ecumenical and not anti-catholic - this is, they don't have prejudices towards certain churches, and want cooperation between the different christian churches.

The links in here are non-catholic. So why would a catholic link protestant sites in his webpages?

I list the reasons here:

  1. Non-catholics should be given their freedom to read non-catholic sites, so i link these sites because they're ecumenical (they're not like the fundamentalist "catholics go to hell" sites), and they have very good points in promoting ecumenism. Ecumenism leads to the different protestant churches to achieve theological unity, and this leads them to the Truth. It was thru ecumenism that the anglican pastor John Henry Newman discovered the Truth and joined the Catholic Church. Then he became Cardinal Newman.

  2. PREPARED catholics who want to engage in ecumenism should check "the other side", but sometimes many start with the worst, and "discover" the "terrible catholic lies" when they stumble upon a lying, anticatholic, and bigotry-filled website (like bible.ca) So i give them these relatively "safe" links to start with.

    However, they should be read with care. For example, some sites have former-catholics who have found Christ. The reason for this is that they were in sin while they were "inside" the Catholic Church (actually they fell under the category of "cafeteria catholics", and really weren't in communion with the Church). What happened is that they found Christ, but due to their own prejudices and/or hurting experiences, they are psychologically unable to recognize Christ in the Catholic Church. But still, the Lord has mercy of them, and will bring them to the Church, either in this life, or the afterlife.

  3. Protestants think that it's absolutely forbidden for catholics to even have a glimpse of protestant sites. This is completely false. What happens is that catholics who are weak in their faith can be guided into error. But well-raisen catholics, who have known thru study and prayer, the Catholic Truth, can be prepared to read and analyse the protestant point of view. This is the difference between the Catholic Church, and cults like Jehovah's Witnesses. A catholic can question our faith, and ask for answers. A JW is not allowed to even search for answers. He is told that questions come from the devil and rejects them - because JW's cannot support their faith with a good reasoning. We can.

  4. Ecumenism should be promoted among catholics, and it's OK for catholics to participate in inter-faith prayer chains (for example, i'm a "prayer partner"). We can ask for Mary's intercession and offer a Mass for a protestant fellow who needs God's help.
    What we're NOT allowed to do, is to participate in protestant assemblies, because it causes even more division in the Church and leads to confusion, because it makes people think that Truth doesn't matter after all.

So, here are the links i recommend to my evangelical readers.

Cybergrace Christian Network

Lots of webpages on many subjects - devotionals, bible studies, ministries (note: before joining a church, make sure it's not a cult), pages for kids, etc. I listed my webpage there :)

The Christian reconciliation project

by Ian4Christ, in Topeka Faith Center.
Starting with systematic theology (like say... ok guys. Who's God? Is Christ God? Is the Holy Spirit God?) based 100% on the Bible, Ian is running this project as a way to solve the dreaded denominational question. Recommended for pastors!

The Council for Christian Unity

Another ecumenical project. Haven't seen it well tho.

Ecumenicalism: The urge to merge within Christianity

In www.religioustolerance.org - a counter-cult site. Very good!

Amazing Grace

This is a page about Christianity, not about denominations...
s@int (that's her nickname) tells us many things we forget about christianity... gives us information about abortion, and other things.

Radically Saved homepage

This is a nice webpage about various topics. Included is his Disney Boycott page, which i seriously recommend.


A group of christians in Singapore and Malaysia to promote christianity. Worth reading!

All in One Christian submit-all

For those with a webpage... name says it all! :)
