Rick's page on Catholicism...

Health & self-help Sites

Sites which maybe without a specific belief, but done for a specific purpose: Help people overcome problems in their lifes... being about physical health, psychological/emotional health, etc.

Children of the night

Teen & infant prostitution and pornography are destroying our society. Sending them to jail won't solve the problem. The solution?
Help them out of the streets. Children of the Night is a non-profit organisation specially dedicated to this, but they need your help.


The largest catholic charitative organisation. Its name says it all (charis=love).

Westside Crisis Pregnancy Center

Pregnant, and scared? Need help? Did you have an abortion and are injured? Here you will find the most help you can get. Full of people willing to help you in your problems.

CPC's online

List of Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPC's) online, at www.prolife.org

WARNING! Abortion is hazardous to your health!

This isn't a link. This is a page inside this website, but it can be useful :)

Billings Ovulation Method - official site

Natural family planning - no side effects, natural, 99% effective, and best of all, it can ALSO be used to improve fertility!
Other languages available:
French | Spanish | German | Turkish | Italian | Swahili

The Truth about Partial Birth Abortion

If you are pro-choice, know what you are voting for. (Can you imagine what would you feel if this happened to you when you were still inside your mommy?)
(Warning: Not suitable for children)

SCA Recovery

Sexual Compulsives Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other, that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from sexual compulsion.
