Hi! We want to know your opinion on this web page. I'm new on this web publishing stuff anyway, so all comments are welcome. Are you catholic? Do you have any doubts on christianity? Have you ever talked with a pastor or priest? Would you like to know more about our Faith?
See... there is so much you can write. All comments are welcome. Do you like the colors of the webpage? What do you consider that would be good to add to the page? Would you like to recommend me any page to add to my links?
Thanks for your feedback.
(If you don't feel like writing a mail, you can go back to the main page, or if you prefer, you can instead read other's letters.
If your browser can't support forms, you can write a mail to:
rick_g22 <at> yahoo <dot> com - notice that this is
not the geocities mail, i changed address.
Thanks a lot for writing... your letter won't be ignored. With friendship in Jesus,
Again, thanks for writing! God bless you and may we all love one another like Jesus did... :)
(NOTE: All letters will be translated for the readers' benefit).
Ricardo Garcia
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