MY Plants!
Give or take a few!

These are some of the plants on my little 60 x 100 plot. Naturally the annuals and veggies vary a bit year to year but you would be amazed at what you can do with a small space and a little bit of dreaming.

Asparagus - Sprengari and Feather Ferns
Astilbe - red and pink
Aubuliton - Flowering Maple
Aubrieta- Bougart - whitewall Gem
Agerratum - Foss Flower - white and purple
Ajuga - Bugleweed
Allium - asst sizes
Alyssum - Basket of Gold
Alyssum - carpet of snow -and purple, pink
Amaranth - Joseph's Coat
Artemesia - silver mound
Asclepias - Butterfly plant
Azalea- Fancy Dancer-lavender and maroon, white, cascade, Pink Pancake, red
Balsam - asst
Beans - Kentucky Wonder Pole, Scarlett Runner
Begonia - red, white, pink, angel wings, tuberosa, rex
Bells of Ireland - Molucca
Black Eyed Susans - Rudbeckia Goldstrum,Herbstonne
Bleeding Heart - fringed and plain
Borage - Herb
Burning Bush - Eunoymus Alatus Compacta
Cactus - Oportunia, Christmas, Easter, living rock, Moon grafted, and asst others from 1 inch to 7 ft tall
Chamomile - Roman
Carrots - Red cored Chantenay, Nantay
Celosia - Cocks Comb and reg
Chinese Lantern - Physotegia
Coleus - fluffy ruffles, lime, rainbow
Columbine - McKennas Giant, Herberts Hensol, yellow, pink
Coreopsis - double sunburst yellow, moonbeam, yellow and lavender
Corn - Sweet, white and yellow, and candy corn
Cosmos - Brite lites, and pastel rainbow
Cucumber - Harvestmore Hybrid, Straight Eight, Market More
Daffodils - asst
Daphne - Carol Mackie
Datura - Angels Trumpet and asst colors
Dipper - vine
Draceana - asst. verigated and plain spikes
Cineraria - Dusty Miller - Diamant
Edelweis - ground cover
Eggplant - DeBarcintaine Exacum
Fleabane - dwarf
Forget-me-not- Cynoglossum firmament - pink, blue
Four O'clocks - mirabellis
Fried Eggs - Nierenbergia
Geraniums - not the perennial
Globe Amarantle
Globe Thistle - Pink and Purple
Gloriosa Daisy
Gourds - Bottle Neck, Basket and asst others
Grape Hyacinth
Grasses - Cortederia - Pampas - Zebra - Pennesetum - Black Fountain-
Gypsophilia (babies breath)
Hens & Chicks
Hibiscus - Rose of Sharon
Holly Hock - Fordhooks
Hoya - Rope and verigated
Hosta - asst
Huechera - Ivy
Hummingbird Vine
Hydrangea - asst-pink, white, blue, purple
Hyssop - Anise
Impatiens- pink, lavender, white, red & asst others
Iceland Poppy
Iris-Bearded - White w/ purple and yellow w/ maroon
Lambs Ears - Strachys
Lavender - Munstead, Lavandula Angustifolia
Liatris - Blazing Star - Gay feather
Lettuce - Black Seeded Simpson & asst others
Lobelia - cardinal flower, blue creeping
Lillies - Blackberry, Daylilles asst, Chocolate Lilly, Oriental Lilly-Pink, Peace Lilly and asst others
Lupine - Russell Mix
Malva - Marsh Mallow
Marigolds - Mr Majestic, Tiger Eye, snowdrift, Hero Mix, African, French Brocade, Cracker Jack, Red Disco, Naughty Marietta and asst others.
Maypop - Passion Flower Vine

Meadow Rue
Morning Glory - blue. pink, purple, white, and mixed
Nasturtium - red and mixed
Nigella - Persian Jewels Mid
Night Blooming Jasmine
Nemophila - Tiny blue eyes
Norfolk Island Pine
Olympic Fire - Mountain Laurel
Obediant Plant - False Dragonhead
Orchids - unknown varities
Palms - Queen Anne, Ponytail, Parlor
Pansy - asst
Peas - sugar snap
Periwinkle - Vinca Pervinca, vinca major, vinca minor
Pepper -
Phlox - creeping, sub crimson beauty, candy cane, lavender
Poppies - California
Queen Annes Lace
Rose - creeping, climbing, bushes
Sansevaria - Birds nets and "Mother in laws toungue"
Shasta Daisy
Shefflera - reg and ruffled leafed
Snapdragon - asst reg and dwarf
Sunflowers- Mammoth, Giant Gray Striped, Sun Gold Ruffled, Velvet Tapestry, Indian Red
Sweet Woodruff -
Swan River Daisies
Sweet William
Thyme - common and lemon and creeping
Tritoma - Red Hot Poker
Tomato - Tiny Teardrops, Brandywine-yellow and red, beefsteak, Roma, Plum, Cherry
Tulips - red emporor, peony double pink, purple king, pastel mix
Viola - Helen Mount
Wandering Jew
Watermelon - sugar baby

Yarrow - Achillea
Zinnia - envy, Whirlygig Mixed, Canary, Lilliput, Giant Violet Queen and asst others
Zucchinni -
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Butterfly Gardening