Frank is a computer systems analyst by profession and is the brains behind our Home Page. Susan gave up her career as a hotel/motel/inn manager to be a stay at home mom. She says she has never worked so hard!
We have been trained as Co-leaders in "Group Preparation and Selection Foster and/or Adoptive Families (GPS) - The Model Approach to Partnership In Parenting (MAPP)", and "Sharing in Permanence (SHIP)."
We are also trained as Co-leaders in "Group Preparation and selection of Foster and/or Adoptive Families for Children Exposed to Drugs or HIV."
Additionally, Susan has been trained as a Co-leader in "Fostering and/or Adopting the Child Who Has Been Sexually Abused."
We attend as much training as our schedules will allow. We feel the more knowledge we acquire the better we can help children. Our goal is to provide a safe, secure, nurturing, learning environment for the children who live and come through our home. Without the support of The Department of Social Services and the social workers with the resources they help to provide, we could not do as much for the children as we do.
We hope you are able to find some helpful resources within our pages. Please sign our guest book and e-mail us with any comments and/or questions. Suggestions are always welcome. If we can be of help, please let us know.