CLR's By-Laws


Section 1: 4-H members of County Line Riders 4-H club are required to attend 9 meetings; two (2) of which may be an excused absence during the Club year. Each member will be allowed to have no more than 2 excused absences as to why you cannot attend the meeting. Examples of an excused absence may be a school activity, work, illness, lack of transportation, personal conflict. To obtain an excused absence, the member must call general leader or general assistant leader before the meeting. Failure to attend the number of required meetings will result in not being able to exhibit at the fair.

Section 2: As a member of County Line Riders 4-H club, members are able to vote at all meetings and after being a member one year are able to vote in the election of officers.

Section 3: The dues of this club shall be a pre-established amount per year due by November 30th. A record of those who paid dues will be kept by the Treasurer. Failure to pay your dues will result in not exhibiting at the fair or participating in any activity that is paid by the Club.

Section 1: The regular meetings of this club will be held on the second (2nd) Monday of each month at 7:00 P.M.

Section 2: If a special meeting is required, club members will be notified by telephone or written notice explaining what the meeting is about, when it will be, where it will be and the time it will be held.

Section 3: The dues of this club shall be a pre-established amount per year due by November 30th. A record of those who paid dues will be kept by the Treasurer. Failure to pay your dues will result in not exhibiting at the fair or participating in any activity that is paid by the Club.

Section 1: Nominations for officers will be received from the floor at the September meeting. It is recommended that all vacancies have at least three (3) nominees. Those nominated for an office, but not in attendance at the September meeting, will be contacted by a Leader for confirmation before placing their name on the ballot prior to the October meeting.

Section 2: To be eligible for a office, members must be at least 13 years of age as of January 1st and have been a member of the club for at least one year.

Section 3: Elections will be conducted by secret ballot at the October meeting. Installation of new officers will be held at the November meeting with new officers taking over at the December meeting.

Section 1: President - The President shall preside at all meetings of the club that he/she is in attendance of. This person shall be responsible for conducting the business meeting, assisting with in the preparation of the agenda for the meeting and work closely with the organization leaders.

Section 2: President-Elect - The President-Elect shall preside at the meeting in the absence of the President. This individual will perform such duties as decided by the local club and participate in the club's annual planning process.

Section 3: Secretary - The Secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings of the club; prepare minutes for each meeting and maintain files of such minutes. It is the responsibility of the Secretary to maintain an accurate record of attendance of members for all club meetings and activities. It is also the Secretary's responsibility to submit a copy of minutes for each month to the county 4-H office.

Section 4: Treasurer - The Treasurer shall receive and take care of all money belonging to the club and shall pay it out upon order of the President and shall keep an accurate record of all money received and paid. This individual will collect club dues or other monies; prepare a financial statement for club monthly meetings with a verbal report of such. The Treasurer shall serve on the Finance Committee.

Section 5: Reporter - The Reporter(s) shall be responsible for telling the community about the 4-H club through news articles and photographs, responsible for sending club news to the Newspaper(s) in the area; the County 4-H office and communication news in other ways as directed. A reporter can also be responsible for taking care of Club thank you's to individuals/business/etc. who contribute to the Club in a variety of ways.

Section 6: Historian - The Historian will be responsible for maintaining a historical file/book on the activities of the Club through cutting out articles from newspapers, journals, newsletters, etc. that contain the Club's name or events that Club members have been involved in. Such information may be kept in a scrapbook for future reference, items that are suggested may include, but are not limited to, copies of stories, club events, photos, club ribbons, club programs, and other highlights during the year.

Section 1: Committees for special purposes may be appointed by the President at any time as deemed necessary.

Section 2: Standing Committees appointed on an annual basis for this Club shall include: Finance, Fundraiser, Education, Demonstration, and Horse Camp.

Section 1: These By-Laws may be amended at a regular meeting, provided the proposed amendment has been presented at a previous meeting.

Section 1: In case of the dissolution of this club, all assets are to be dispersed according to the Wood County 4-H rules governing such dispersal.

Section 1: Each member is annually responsible for at least one demonstration or talk at a club or project meeting or club learning function.

Section 2: Members are responsible for notifying leader(s) of their absence from a project or club meeting. (Ref. Article 1, Section 1)

Section 3: Discipline. The leader in charge of a meeting or club activity can carry out the following disciplinary action against a misbehaving member: (1) verbal warning; (2) telephone and/or written warning to parents; (3) suspension from next activity; (4) expelled from the club.

Section 1: Club meetings will follow the correct rules of parliamentary procedure as defined in "Roberts Rules of Order."

Section 1: All rules governing this club shall be incorporated into the By-Laws.

Section 2: Copies of the Constitution and By-Laws will be provided to any perspective new club member prior to their enrollment in the Club to familiarized them with the rules governing the club.

Section 3: The Constitution and By-Laws shall be brought up to date as needed.


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