09/07/99 15:34:00
Name: Valerie Nash | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Scottish Surname you are researching: Boyd and Sharpe |
Which Tartan do you wear?: McKay ancient |
My GRGRGRGRGrandmother was a Boyd. Ann was married to John Sharpe. Researching both sides of family. I was adopted by the McKays (Highlanders) and am thrilled to findout that my roots are really in Scotland afterall! I'm in Idaho and would love to know about Highland Games near me. I also want to learn more about my heritage...so any info is appreciated. Thanks-Valerie
05/23/99 10:57:42
Name: Lyndab |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Hi, I am your Heartland Plains Community Leader and just wanted to let you know what a great job you are doing with your page. Keep up the good work.
04/06/99 17:49:21
Name: Kathleen Devlin | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Scottish Surname you are researching: Glenn |
03/29/99 07:53:14
Name: Deborah Boyd Carver | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Scottish Surname you are researching: Boyd |
Love your web site and also enjoy reading your posts in the Boyd List.
02/20/99 19:51:44
Name: Jeanne | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Scottish Surname you are researching: Boyd |
Your opinon of Haggis: Never ate it! |
Enjoyed my visit, keep up the great job. Please stop by and visit my place and sign my Guestbook too. Thankyou, Jeanne HOB# 932
02/20/99 19:49:56
Name: Jeanne | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Scottish Surname you are researching: Boyd |
Your opinon of Haggis: Never ate it! |
Enjoyed my visit, keep up the great job. Jeanne HOB# 932
02/20/99 19:46:03
Name: Jeanne | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Scottish Surname you are researching: Boyd |
Enjoyed my visit, keep up the great job. Jeanne HOB# 932
01/02/99 18:00:22
Name: Roger Blaine Boyd, II | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Scottish Surname you are researching: Boyd |
Your favorite Highland Games Venue: Golf |
I am Looking for a Roy Blaine Boyd who lived in Eugene Or. Married Jenny Sims in the early 1900. A son Roy,jr. & Charles Boyd.
12/09/98 05:08:48
My URL: Visit Me |
11/22/98 06:50:56
Name: Jeanne | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Scottish Surname you are researching: Boyd/Ross |
Lauren, Great page, Keep up the good work. Take good care and watch out for those spiders. Jeanne HOB#932
10/04/98 10:38:40
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
08/26/98 22:13:53
Name: Mike Boyd | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Scottish Surname you are researching: Boyd, McElvy | Your favorite Highland Game Event: golf! | Your opinon of Haggis: I've always liked Merle's music. |
Which Tartan do you wear?: Stewart |
Nice page, Lauren! Also, you post a lot of good stuff on the Clan Boyd list. Keep it coming. As Billy J. Clinton would say, "More rather than less--sooner rather than later!"
Mike Boyd
DeLand, FL
08/18/98 23:44:12
Name: Larry Boyd | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Scottish Surname you are researching: BOYD | Your favorite Highland Games Venue: GOLF | Your opinon of Haggis: YUK |
Which Tartan do you wear?: Victoria's Secret! |
Very nice page Lauren. Keep up the great work and thanks for all your efforts and help in the Boyd list.
08/01/98 17:21:02
Name: Lisa Marie Boyd | My URL: Visit Me |
Scottish Surname you are researching: Boyd | Which Tartan do you wear?: Boyd |
I thought your page was very informative. I really enjoyed the picture of Dean Castle. Thanks
04/27/98 17:36:49
Name: Rick Pracht | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Scottish Surname you are researching: Stewart | Your favorite Highland Games Venue: Pleasonton | Your favorite Highland Game Event: Band Competitions |
Scots website you would recommend: The Tarton Page | Your opinon of Haggis: Not bad once you get used to it. | Which Tartan do you wear?: Black Stewart |
Your homepage is very informative. Thank you for
telling me about it. Gave me some great ideas for
my page. You are a very helpful and pleasant
persons to be with at the games. Thanks for
everything. Hope to see you at the next games.
Will keep looking at your page for games information. Thank Loran.
Rick and Marion.
02/16/98 15:24:59
Name: Boyd, Emily J. | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Scottish Surname you are researching: Boyd & Gillespie | Your favorite Highland Games Venue: Galesburg, MI | Your favorite Highland Game Event: Caber Toss |
Your opinon of Haggis: I've never been so brave as to taste it, but knowing the ingredients ... Ugh! | Which Tartan do you wear?: Stewart |
While I've never posted queries to the Boyd Roots Website, I do appreciate the geanology information available. However, to those Scots who tend to "ramble on and on" about non-geanological subjects, I simply delete their comments ... appears "somebody"
as too much time on their hands! However, I do appreciate your comments, Loren, and the fact you attempt to keep everyone on the intended subject .... tracing their roots!
Please keep up your good work ... the effort is much appreciated! Thanks ... "EM"
02/16/98 06:44:32
My URL: Visit Me |
02/15/98 00:43:58
Name: Donald L. Boyd | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Scottish Surname you are researching: Boyd | Your favorite Highland Games Venue: N/A | Your favorite Highland Game Event: N/A |
Your opinon of Haggis: Sounds awful! | Which Tartan do you wear?: N/A |
I just looked over your Boyd pages and really enjoyed them. Great site! Keep up the good work.
I'm presently researching an ancestor who (in oral tradition) was a Mayflower pilgrim descendant. When I get that one settled, I will next turn my attention to 2nd Great Grandfather David Lindsey Boyd, who immigrated to the U.S. from Scotland in the mid-
860's and settled in Linn Co., Iowa, where he is buried. There is some information that he was a school teacher in Edinburgh prior to immigrating, and that he was originally from County Antrim, Ireland. We know nothing of his parentage.
Thanks again for the great work.
02/14/98 17:30:06
Name: Larry Boyd | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Scottish Surname you are researching: Boyd | Your favorite Highland Game Event: Tree toss? | Your opinon of Haggis: Never tried it...yet. |
Which Tartan do you wear?: Boyd/Stewart |
Hi Lauren,
Just stopped by to say hello and visit your site again. Site still looks great. Wish I could come out for the games there in N. Calif. Plan to attend the one in Atlanta this year, though. Can I get some Haggis there you think??!! See you on the Boydlist.
02/14/98 15:52:27
Name: Scott Irv Boyd | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Scottish Surname you are researching: Boyd |
Just visiting from your recently posted link to the Boyd List.
01/13/98 03:38:19
My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Scottish Surname you are researching: Boyd-Montgomery | Your opinon of Haggis: not bad |
Which Tartan do you wear?: stewart |
01/12/98 13:55:03
Name: Pam Jeans | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Scottish Surname you are researching: HIXSON/HIXON |
Lovely page but couldn't locate any surname listing. Your daught is very pretty and talented. Pam Jeans
North Fork, CA
01/05/98 05:59:46
Name: Dave Boyd | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Scottish Surname you are researching: BOYD |
Still learning, and you are a most helpful source!
01/04/98 11:48:15
Name: kirk boyd | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Scottish Surname you are researching: boyd |
goodd'y mate
i'm after emigres to new zealand circa 1863?
01/04/98 09:44:24
Name: Joe Boyd Williams | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Scottish Surname you are researching: Boyd, Clark, and Knox | Scots website you would recommend: Rampant Scotland | Your opinon of Haggis: Quite Tasty |
Which Tartan do you wear?: Boyd |
A very well laid out site.