Septs of Clan Boyd

Sept is an Irish word meaning family. It is how affiliated Scottish families are referred to. How we may be related is for you to determine in your search of your families history. Many times it was simply that we lived in the same area. Other times we were bound by our need for food, shelter and alligiance in times of war. Many of the Sept families may be a result of either marrying into the Boyd Clan or by swearing alligiance to the Chieftan.

The names listed below are a combination of the entymology of the name Boyd and names gathered from various publications alleging an entitlement to wear the Boyd Tartan and signifying a familial connection with the Scottish Border Clan Family named Boyd.

Although they are not listed below, the Stewart Clan and the Donald Clan both claim the Boyds as a Sept. This may be confusing, however, although Boyds may be considered Sept family to those two clans, the Boyd Septs, with exception, are not also Septs of the Stewart (Fullerton/Fullarton),and Donald Clans (check their listing, they claim most Scottish families!).

Air Assloss Auchinloss Ayr Ayrd Bankhead
Blair Bod Boddagh Bodha Boid Boit
Boite Borland Bowie Boy Boyd Boyde
Boydston Boyman Boyte Braland Bribane Brown
Buidhe Buie Burn Bute Cassy Chrystal
Conn Coon Coonie Corshill Cosh Crawford
Crystal Cunningham Cunninghame Dick Faerie Faery
Fairlie Fairly Farie Farnly Faul Faulds
Fauls Fenwick Foulterton Fullarton Fullerton Fullton
Gammell Gemmill George Gorman Gurman Haire
Hare Harshaw Langmoore Lines Longmuir Lynn
MacCosh MacGillabuidhe MacGiollabuidhe MacLorg MacLurg Moore
Muir O'Boyd Parris Pitcon Raeburn Rayburn
Reburn Rigg Riggs Ross Speirs Spiers
Spires Starret Steen Stein Stiret Tannahill
Tannock Templeton Underwood Vasser Woodbourne Woodburn

Wherever possible, I have put a link to the home page for the Clan that the Sept family may also have established in its own right, or that I am aware they may also be affiliated with. If you can direct me to an additional official clan site for any names listed here but not linked, please e-mail me.

Lauren's e-mail

House of Boyd Society Membership Information
House of Boyd Historian
Clan Stewart of America, Inc. Membership Information

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Last updated: 11 July 2006