The Scout Museum contains an exhibition that displayes the larger
scouting events in Sonderjutland since 1919, starting with the acitivities of the scouts
before and about the reunion in 1920 and further on with the great corps camps in the part
of the country, f.ex. Gravenshoved, Ny Hedeby, Blå Sommer by Haderslev and Stevninghus.
At the museum are found trophyes of various art, lot of photoes of
camps, tours and exercises, daiaries of the work of patrols and troop journals. In
addition several uniforms and equipment from the practical work from altering times.
The Museum has a collection of scout literature and instruction books.
There exists several lantern-slides, substandard film, tapes and videos from events of
fading years.
For many years there has been a great interest in the scout movement in
SonderJutland. It started very primitive, both here and in Southern Schleswig, shortly
after the scout movement had grown all over Europe after Lord Baden-Powell had started the
scoutmovement in England in the beginning of the 19th. century.
Today a lot more than 100.000 children and adults are engaged in the scout movement as
members of corps with different angels of views.
The three largest are: The Danish Guide and Scout Association "Det Danske
Spejderkorps", KFUK- and KFUM-Scouts "YMCA".
Furthermore former and present adult scouts are engaged in the work of Former Scout
Fellowships, called the Sct. George Guild's, around the whole country helping all the
Scouts with arranging tours, exercises and with financial and moral support.
Effects are very welcome, and prizeless written notes, journals and
other stuff are being deposited to maintaining at the Historical Archives in Aabenraa.
To finance the Museum a supporting group is founded, everybody can obtain membership at
the cost of at the time dkr. 50,00 annually.
Besides the nostalgian experience a visit to the museum can be, it also
can inspire present scouts and leaders to obtain activities as woodcutting, wood-craft,
firstaid or other practical skills.
However the Museum can't show the character training, the social aspects or the the
friendship, the scout movement also contains.
You'll find the SonderJutlandish Scoutmuseum farest in and at the end of
Bjergparken 4H
6200 Aabenraa
The Museum is only open at special occasions, but visits or lending things can be arranged
by addressing to
Henry Jensen
Gl. Kongevej 69
6200 Aabenraa
74 62 10 78
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