If you're hunting for something in Cyberspace, click on the picture of the globe and it will take you to the Infoseek site. It's the one I usually end up using (click on How to Search to get the most out of the engine).
There are two places to be; the Kingdom of this World and the Kingdom of God (or of Heaven, same thing). These two do not necessarily refer to the place you go after you pass away and the place you're at before.
The two kingdoms can be understood to refer to two opposite philosophies, world-views or mind sets: two opposite ways of comprehending reality.
The one teaches that man is basically good, the other that man is sinful.
One says that you have to look after Number One, the other that we must serve our brothers and sisters.
One teaches evolution, the other devolution.
In the one, sheep are for shearing, in the other, whatever you do to anyone, you've done it to God.
The one says,"If it feels good, do it", the other, "If it is good, do it".
One teaches pride, the other humility.
In one, life leads to death, in the other, we cross over from death to life.
When God created man, He breathed life into us and that Holy Spirit is still within each and every one of us all. If we remain in Him, He will remain in us.
Adam and Eve brought us down into dual citizenship, but within each of us resides the ability to rise above and throw ourselves on God's infinite mercy and beg Him to restore us to our original state of blessed communion with Him, if only for a moment.
Then we sin again. We can't stop. It's hardwired into our hearts and minds. Let's just don't kid ourselves about what's going on.
Both kingdoms are real, but one will eventually cease to exist. The Kingdom of God will never end, which is to say that it is infinitely more real than the vale of tears.
Praise God! His mercy endures forever!
1. Visit
The Roman Catholic Church.
2. Visit
The Orthodox Church.
3. Visit
The Methodist Church.
4. Visit
The Baptist Church.
5. Visit
The Reformed Church.
6. Visit
The Presbyterian Church.
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The Episcopalian Church.
8. Visit
The Pentecostal Church.
9. Visit
The Mennonite Church.
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The United Church of Christ.
11. Visit
The Seventh Day Adventist Church.
12. Visit
The Assemblies of God.
13. Visit
The Church of the Nazarene.
14. Visit
The Church of Christ.
15. Visit
The Disciples of Christ.
16. Visit
The African Methodist Episcopal Church.
17. Visit
The Society of Friends.
18. Visit
The Evangelical Free Church of America.
Did I forget anyone? Check out the Yahoo site with all the denominations if you like, but have a care (as always); Jesus said "I and the Father are one".
Here are nine entries for Christian search engines and indexen.
1. Visit
The Global Online Service Helping to Evangelize Nations; get it?
2. Visit
Cross Search.
3. Visit
The All In One Page.
This site contains links to many search engines and indexen.
4. Visit
The Omnilist to Christian Links GOLD.
Check out the meta search engine on this one.
5. Visit
The Best of the Christian Web.
6. Visit
Not Just Bibles.
This is the grandaddy of them all.
7. Visit
Lambert's Web Links.
This site is also voluminous.
8. Visit
Christian Connections Resources.
This site is sponsored by Christian Connections.
9. Visit
The Encyclopedia of Christian Links.
Here's a list of six links to various missions around the world.
1. Visit
The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod World Missions Page.
2. Visit
The Lutheran Immigrant and Refugee Society Page.
"We Lutherans are an immigrant church in an immigrant country. The plight of the uprooted is a special concern for us. We are still called to open our doors with warm hearts, to welcome the stranger and through such loving service to receive the many blessings which the stranger brings." --
Ralston H. Deffenbaugh, Jr., Executive Director
3. Visit
The Haiti Lutheran Mission Society Page.
This mission is laboring under some of the most difficult circumstances this side of the planet. Please visit their page, read about their work, and pray for them.
4. Visit
The Habitat for Humanity International Page.
Habitat for Humanity brings families and communities in need together with volunteers and resources to build decent, affordable housing. Habitat is an ecumenical Christian organization, and welcomes volunteers from all faiths, or no faith, who are committed to Habitat's goal of eliminating poverty housing.
5. Visit
The Youth for Christ International Page.
Youth for Christ International is a global network of national Youth for Christ programs reaching today's hi-tech youth with God's hi-touch of love. Now active in 127 countries, Youth for Christ has been helping young people find a productive balance in the physical, social, mental and spiritual aspects of their lives for over 50 years.
This site links to 250 mission groups around the world.
This next list contains six entries for news that will perhaps be of interest to Christians in particular.
1. Visit
Current Events in the Holy Land.
This site is sponsored by the Christian Information Center of Jerusalem and contains items from Israeli and Jordanian newspapers.
2. Visit
The Religion Report.
Here you will find information from all over the world.
3. Visit
The World Evangelical Fellowship Religious Liberty Commision.
The commission's goals are the continued exchange of information, consultations and contacts with churches, organisations and governments, and the dynamic and flexible creation of a forum for those whose religious rights are threatened.
4. Visit
The Voice of the Martyrs.
This is an in-depth look at the persecuted church around the world today.
5. Visit
The Church and State Page.
From the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Office of Government Information.
6. Visit
The Christian News Archive.
This site contains clippings from denominational sources.
1. Visit
Links for Thinking Christians.
Hey, that's my favorite kind! Seriously, this site links to dozens of online Christian journals.
2. Visit
Shoot the Messenger.
Shoot the Messenger aims to resource and empower those living out and intentionally communicating the Gospel in postmodern society and to provide an alternative critique of popular culture.
3. Visit
The Crossroads Project Page.
We live in a period of intense transition from the old way of thinking (modernism) to the new way of thinking (postmodernism). Most Christians are not ready for this transition. The Crossroads Project exists to give you the understanding and tools you need to stay relevant today.
Here are ninteen links to some cool sites that don't fit easily into someone's catagory, in no particular order.
1. Visit
The I Love You, God! Page.
Love for God is the Kingdom of God. Jesus loves the Father and through Jesus' death we are able to bring our gifts of love before the Father.
2. Visit
The Jesus Christ 2000 Holyland Virtual Pilgrim Page.
This page has lots of pictures and text about the Holy Land. Those things in the picture are olive presses. It looks like using them would be a good upper body workout.
3. Visit
The Seraphim Files Page.
This site contains links to the post anno Domini non-canonical works.
4. Visit
An attempt to list some of many Christian travel destinations in the U.S.
5. Visit
The Interactive Passion History Page.
You get to write yourself into the script here.
6. Visit
The Surfer's Bible Page.
7. Visit
The Ex-atheists for Jesus Homepage.
The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God." - Psalm 53: 1
8. Visit
The Jesus the Christ Page.
A series of original essays about a personal relationship with our Savior.
9. Visit
The Jesus Christ in Glory Page.
This collection of essays provides a space for the reader to have his comments posted too.
10. Visit
The Real Saint Patrick Page .
It's really difficult to overestimate the impact Saint Patrick has had on the world. Go down to the library, check out the book "How the Irish Saved Civilization"; you won't be sorry.
11. Visit
The Servant for Jesus Christ Homepage.
This site contains lots of cool links.
12. Visit
The Association of Christian Web Authors Page.
Our Purpose is to create a database of sorts for the many Christian web authors. Membership of the Association is free and is open to anyone whether beginner, amateur enthusiast or professional. We give all the praise to our God and Saviour Jesus Christ for our on-going success!!
13. Visit
The Life, Liberty & Pursuit of Happiness Page.
Janet really cares.
14. Visit
This Christian Arabic site is called "The Good Way". It contains a lot of text in English which is very interesting to read, as well as many downloadable Arabic texts, including a link to the entire Bible in Arabic.
15. Visit
An eclectic collection of Christian inspirations
16. Visit
The 26 Martyrs Page.
This history of persecution in Japan and around the world is part of a wonderful site made by Michael Noorhoff of Kochi, Japan.
17. Visit
See what you think!
18. Visit
Lots of photos from the Holy Land.
19. Visit
Click on objects to get an idea of what they're about.