It Is My Confession

My Testimony

Welcome to my testimony page! At this point, I am assuming that you either want to know more about me, or you are hungry for some news about Christ. In both cases, I hope to provide you what you would like. I've been a Christian for about 7 years now (the best 7 years I've ever spent), and I'm not about to change now!! Jesus has been my life, and I only hope I can be the man of God that He wants me to be. I was saved in my house, and I didn't understand what I was doing at the time... I've since learned that I've chosen life over death, Heaven over Hell, and I'm incredibly glad that I did! Before I was a Christian, I didn't know any differently, so I had no idea what I was missing, or that the life I had been living wasn't pleasing to God at all. How could I have known that I was breaking the heart of somone I didn't even know? Since I've accepted Him into my life, I've seen what I put Him through, but I am so glad that He has forgiven me from that. He can do the same for you! I've read a lot of testimonies, and I've heard of many things and many lifestyles that people took part in, and though I never did these things, I praise God for saving my from those things... I could have messed my life up very badly, but by His grace, here I am... I've read some compelling testimonies, but I find the most convincing ones to be those in which God spared His children from the many things which they could have fallen into. Thanks for your time... I urge you to accept Jesus Christ into your heart before it is too late... I am NOT threatening you, but you don't have much time left... Jesus is coming back soon, and he's not accepting any excuses. If you want to live forever, pray this prayer:

Father God,
I know that I am a sinner, and that I've fallen short of Your glory; but I ask that you come into my heart, and accept me just the way that I am. I want to serve you on this earth, live for You all of my life, and live with You forever in Heaven. Help me turn from my worldly ways, and wash me clean from my sin with the blood of your Son that was shed on the cross. Thank You for saving me.
In Jesus' name,

If you've just prayed that prayer, you need to find a church to grow in. You need to find a church that teaches the Bible as the absolute truth, and one that will help you grow in your newfound faith. A good example of this is an online church, New Life Christian Church. If you've accepted Jesus Christ into your heart, rest assured that you've just chosen to go to Heaven, and share with Jesus Christ in all of Heaven's glory, and God's grace. You won't be sorry. If you have ANY questions at all, please feel free to e-mail me.
Your brother, in Christ,
Now that you've prayed, you may be a little confused as to why I stress accepting Christ into your heart so much. Find out why here.
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