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This is a Soedira's HomePage

Merry X-mas 2007 and Happy New Year 2008

Hi... my name Yanes, I'm 11 years old now. I have a brother ... his name is Dio (9 years)

I like to hear all kind of music, such as pop, jazz, dangdut, etc. music make me laugh and happy

Please feel free to choose wich page you want to visit :

PAGE ONE (Church songs)
You can hear church music in MIDI format, and most of the songs taken from KIDUNG JEMAAT (an Indonesian church/GPIB song book)
you can also download KIDUNG JEMAAT MIDI FILES
PAGE TWO (Pop songs)
Here you can find Indonesian and World Wide pop songs, wich originaly sequenced by my father.
PAGE THREE (History of Depok)
I Dedicated this page to Depok people. There're only a view people know about Depok hitory.
PAGE FOUR (Alkitab Perjanjian Lama for Casio HandHeld)
The old testament bible that my father read, it's in Cassiopeiaa Pocket Viewer format.

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