Shubb Family Tree

The Mystery Shubb

JOHN SHUBB The mystery man is JOHN SHUBB. He was the second oldest son of Barnet and Sarah Shubb. Originally named Jacob, he was born on July 28, 1893. Although the records indicate it was in Chernigan, Russia, he was actually born in the nearby village on Mena, in what is now Ukraine.

He came to the United States at the age of 15 with his brothers and sister on a ship named the Westernland, leaving Liverpool, England on May 26, 1908 and arriving twelve days later in Philadelphia. After living some time with his family in Sioux City, Iowa, he married Ann Herva in Winnapeg, Canada. He spent most of his life in Vancouver, British Columbia. He was known to be an astute business man, engaging among other things in the used clothing business.

A man of many talents, it has been said that he resembled his father. John and Ann had no children. He died in 1942 of a rare skin disease at the age of 49.

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