

The most important thing to learn whether you are a puppy or an adult, is to come back to your human when called. This was the first thing my mommy taught me. The hardest part for me is to run to her after she calls me when I am involved in something more interesting. You know, like sniffing what the horses left behind, or trying to figure out where that ground hog went.

It is actually very easy. Mommy stands very close to me. She calls my name and at the same time shows me a treat. Of course I look and when I do, I get the treat, a nice pat and scratch, and lots of verbal praise. That gets me excited! The next time mommy calls my name, I look right away (I am really looking for the treat!) I get treats again! They are different this time. Every time mommy has a different treat so I never know what I am going to get!

The next thing we do is mommy will call me with a "come" command. It sounds like this: Digby, Come! The command is in a tone that is not too stern, but kind of up beat. Mommy will be standing only a couple of feet from me. I look at her, and she lures me in close to her with another treat. As I respond consistently to her, she gets further and further away. I will be in the kitchen and she will call me to the living room. Everytime I get verbal and physical praise and a wonderful treat!

If I do not come when mommy calls me, she comes and gets me and takes me to the place she called me to. Mommy says that she can only call me one time and I must come! We play a game to help me learn. Mommy hides in the house somewhere and then she calls me. I go looking for her and when I find her, mommy is so excited that I did so good that we play with a toy. Sometimes mommy will run away from me and I will chase her all over the house. When I catch up to her, I get a treat!

I love this hide and seek game and the chase game!

Learning the "COME" is very important and maybe sometime it could save your life! Now I can run in the fields and when mommy calls, I come running!

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