Puppy Stuff

Puppy Massage - Just before bedtime, give your pup a body massage! This will relax the puppy and the puppy
tends to go to sleep quicker. This is a very good technique to use if you have a puppy that yelps and
screams as soon as it is placed in the crate at night.

How to: You, the human, should be in a sitting position. Lean the puppy's back against your chest and abdomen
as it sits on your lap. Slowly begin massaging the chest with small circular motions using one to four fingers
(depending on the size of the puppy). Gradually move to different areas of the body - the thighs, the neck, ears,
etc. You may have to reposition your puppy as you move to different areas. You will notice how relaxed the puppy
becomes after the first 5 minutes. Continue this for about 1/2 hour. Then place the puppy in its sleeping area.
And YOU have a very peaceful nights sleep!

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