Names Listing

This is a linkable listing of all Rafert/Roewer and related names. To get more information on any specific person, just click on the name. If a name is not clickable, there is no additional information on the person yet. This page (like this whole site) is still a work-in-progress. Hopefully more will be added soon.

To jump to a specific name, click on the surname below.
Barterman Betzel Bruhns Hof Möller Otto Rafert Röwer




Barterman, Hans1688 - ? 1
Barterman, Margarethe Elisabeth~1716 2
Betzel, Augusta1879 - 1945 7
Betzel, Charles1842 - 1908 6
Blaume, Phillipina Wilhemena1834 - 1910 6
Bleck, Edna Johanna1900 - 1974 8
Brosenne, Augusta1845 - 1910 6
Bruhns, Dorothy Marie1907 - 8
Bruhns, Gottfried~1873 6
Bruhns, Louis Frank1873 - 1962 7
Drinkuths, Anna Margarete~1799 4
Gottschalk, Carl~1836 5
Gottschalk, Phillipina Sophie Eleanora1836 - 1908 6
Heine, Sophie Philippine Eleonore1799 - 1879 5
Hof, Caroline Eleonore1799 - 1879 5
Hof, Johann Töns~1799 4
Honeck, Charles  8
Huels, Marie~1873 6
Meek, Norman Elliott1912 - ? 9
Menke, Lizetta1843 - 1905 6
Möller, Engel Sophie1833 - 1895 6
Möller, Hans Heinrich~1833 5
Mönckhofs, Sophie Eleonore~1797 4
Munsching, Eleanore~1836 5
Otto, Elizabeth Christina Marie1871 - 1945 7
Otto, Johann~1798 4
Otto, Johann Heinrich1798 - 1874 5
Otto, Karl Friedrich1836 - 1903 6
Quack, Christian L.1855 - 1923 7
Quack, Clara  8
Piel, Karl Heinrich~1803 4
Piel, Katherine Anna Marie Sophie1803 - 1875 5
Rafert, Albert~1870 7
Rafert, Alfred Carl1906 - 1977 8
Rafert, Alma Phillipina Emilie1900 - ? 8
Rafert, Anna~1850 6
Rafert, Carl Albert1873 - ? 7
Rafert, Carl Wilbur1903 - 1994 8
Rafert, Edna Engel Lisette1895 - 1951 8
Rafert, Edna Jean1923 - 9
Rafert, Edward Heinrich1869 - 1908 7
Rafert, Emma S.1864 - 1938/9 7
Rafert, Walter Carl Christian1897 - 1924 8
Rafert, Walter Edward1922 - 1977 9
Rafert, Wilfred Walter1906 - 1963 8
Rafert, Wilhelm Heinrich1862 - 1938/9 7
Röwer, Anna Wilhelmine1875 - 1895 7
Röwer, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm1766 - 1804 4
Röwer, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm1797 - 1886 5
Röwer, Carl Heinrich Wilhelm1828 - 1875 6
Röwer, Carl Wilhelm1858 - 1882 7
Röwer, Caroline Eleanore1864 - 1884? 7
Röwer, Christian Ludwig1873 - 1916 7
Röwer, Christian Wilhelm1866 - 1949 7
Röwer, Engel Phillipina Christine1833 - 1902/8 6
Röwer, Ernst Heinrich Wilhelm1824 - 1903 6
Röwer, Ernst Heinrich Wilhelm1836 - 1929 6
Röwer, Ernst Heinrich (Henry)1868 - 1937 7
Röwer, Friedrich William (Carl Friedrich)1843 - ? 6
Röwer, Hans Heinrich1800 - ? 5
Röwer, Hans Hinrich1721 - 1766 3
Röwer, Hans Hinrich~1716 2
Röwer, Johann Carl Nicolaus1871 - 1952 7
Röwer, Philipina E.1856 - 1929 7
Röwer, Philippine1838 - ? 6
Röwer, Sophie Caroline1831 - 1915 6
Röwer, Wilhelmina1826 - ? 6
Röwer, Wilhelmine Eleanore1881 - pre-1900 6
Schmidt, Louis William1896 - 1957 8
Siekmann, Anna Catharine~1750 3
Speicher, Margaret Dorothy1923 - 9
Tighe, Anna M.~1878 - ? 7
Welp, Harry C.1897 - 1992 8
Wenniger, Mathilda1872 - 1954 7
Westerhoff, Gus  8

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