My Family

VacationThis is Shelby and I on Vacation in Nashville Tennessee Onboard the General Jackson

FAMILY On the couch, left to right, is my brother Bob, Dad, Mom, sister Mary Ann. On the Floor is my sister Norma and Myself, 1997.

Kelly Two of my grandaughters Christy and Chelsea.

Kelly Chelsea and her Beanie Babies.

Kelly My youngest daughter Kelly and her family at Reelfoot Lake Tennessee. Mike, Kelly, Christy, Chelsea and Jasper.

Kathy My olderst daughter Kathryn with here family Mike, Laurel, Amanda, McKenzie and Cameron, Mikes sister Ericka is standing holding Cameron.

Shelby Shelby with Laurel and Amanda at Williamsburg.

Kathy Kathy, Laurel, Amanda and Mckenzie at Williamsburg.

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