Welcome to Our Guestbook!

auntie nan - 02/08/00 02:08:25
From: burlington,ON

Emma sure looks like her Daddy!!!

Rebecca - 02/07/00 19:16:41
My URL:http://www.bluerodeo.com
My Email:hipcousin@hotmail.com

She is really cute, and I'm not just saying that because she is a relative!!!

Rico - 01/04/00 23:05:35
My Email:carvedude@yahoo.com
From: Switzerland

Hello!! I checked a few bookmarks on my big list and found your homepage, stopped by and now I'm here!! :-) However, happy new year from Switzerland!! Rico

Duranie - 11/08/99 20:58:05
My Email:mcquades@nbnet.nb.ca
From: St. Margarets, NB

Just showing Joanne the pictures of our new little cousins. Of course she takes after our side of the family.

Angela - 09/22/99 17:59:29
From: Nova Scotia, Canada


Pat Thomson - 09/18/99 11:47:47
My Email:Pat.Thomson@bt.com


Ian McQuade - 09/18/99 11:46:36
My URL:http://www.members.spree.com/family/imcquade
My Email:ian@mcquade.freeuk.com
From: England

Hi, just surfed in after seeing link from Mike McQuade (no relation - errr... well we ARE related somewhere down the historical line but i don't know where). Cool site - keep up the good work. Please have a look at mine when you get 4 nanoseconds spare (n t that i'm desperate for guests or anything). cheers ian mack

Mike McQuade - 09/18/99 11:44:01
My URL:http://www.personal.nbnet.nb.ca/mcquades
My Email:mcquades@nbnet.nb.ca
From: The mighty Miramichi,N.B.

Hey Guys, Just surfed in (again) to see if you had anything I could steal and use on our web page. No Arctic Cat or Suzuki stuff eh? Oh well, your site looks pretty good anyway. Later Mike

Erica - 09/18/99 11:41:36
My Email:blondierica@hotmail.com
From: Michigan

this is to brad right? Well I just thought your page was cool and was wondering if you only rode polaris or if you like others too? I am sort of an Artic Cat Chic

George Thompson - 09/18/99 11:40:19
My URL:http://www.compuserve.com/homepages/scotzoo
My Email:Zooscot@e-vet.com
From: Bathgate in Scotland

Hi, Angela, Cousin Pat is asleep at the moment (02.30 a.m. here!), but I got your message and just had to have a look at your page. We have cats too. We also have another web page on:- http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/greenecosse Pat will reply to you soon. Regards, George Thomson (ZooScot)

Ateam - 09/18/99 11:37:37
From: Ireland

hI Brad & Angie, The Cats are groovy, the cattle not so, but the washing is dirty! nice page, thanks for the tea.

Alicia - 09/18/99 11:36:44
My Email:tuggers@erols.com


REBECCA LYNN KEDDY - 09/18/99 11:34:58
My Email:hipcousin@hotmail.com


Phil Hopkins - 09/18/99 11:34:05
My Email:phopkins@glinx.com
From: Nova Scotia


YMSlokar - 09/18/99 11:32:22
My Email:yness.slokar@uni-mb.si
From: Slovenia

Hey, Ange! What can I say about your page? Oh, yea... What do you mean by 'it is not very professional'? How much more professional can it get? Or are you just following the motto 'it is never so good, that it couldn't be better'? Whatever the reason, kee on the good work!! Greetings from Europe!

Kellymae - 09/18/99 11:30:27
My Email:kellymae@glinx.com
From: Nova Scotia, Canada

Hi weary travellers! How did I find this page? Word of Mouth....... My sister nagged, and nagged, and nagged me to sign this. :) I see this page quite frequently, she has it set up as the start-up page at the office so I have NO CHOICE!! Now you know that she doesn't really have as many friends as her hits suggest! heheheh Since she is always modifying her page I see new stuff all the time. Keep up the good work. See ya later, gator KellyMae

Jody Wong aka Jodeman - 09/18/99 11:28:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Park/2212
My Email:gazoo@vcn.bc.ca
From: Montreal, Quebec

If a tree falls in Cyberspace, does it make waves as I'm surfing? Hi Ange.. I suppose I could be like some people who just signs a guestbook with "Great page.. keep up the good work!" I've found that to be a little generic. I had thought of a good guestbook signing but all of the sudden, I forgot what it was. Oh well.. hat's there left to say but "Great page.. keep up the great work!" :) BTW.. My sister has a similar (but transparent) animated gif of that little kitty on her webpage. Feel free to use it. Jodeman

John Curtis DeEll - 09/18/99 11:25:29
My Email:kellymae@glinx.com
From: my mother

"Work consists of doing something, you don't want to do" The movie sucked, even though Kelly thought it was good.

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