- Contact the owner of the stud of your
choice well in advance. Usually, a prior "booking" is be necessary.
- Establish vaccination requirements. Some
stud owners insist on complete and up-to-date Feline Leukaemia (FeLV) inoculations, in
addition to routine vaccinations.
- Do make sure that your
queen's boosters are current. If not, she should be vaccinated at least two weeks prior to
mating to encourage optimal levels of antibodies which she will pass on to her litter.
- Make sure your queen has been dewormed
before mating. This will ensure a healthy queen, healthy kittens and will prevent an
unwanted infestation of the stud.
- Recent feline leukaemia and other viral
blood tests may be requested by some stud owners.
- Request a copy of the stud's pedigree; a
self addressed and stamped envelope is appreciated. Present your queen's pedigree and
certificate of registration. Clues to the possible genetic make-up of your queen will be
evident from the pedigree. Careful study of both pedigrees is essential to ensure that the
mating is compatible. Also, if analysis of the two pedigrees reveals excessive
in-breeding, it may be advisable to choose a different stud. This can and will prevent
many heartbreaks, eg. congenital abnormalities.
- Check the number of matings permitted on
the stud fee. Most stud owners permit a second "courtesy" mating if the first is
not successful. Mating fees are settled when the queen is collected. The stud owner will
supply a Mating Certificate, with an official copy of the stud's pedigree, on payment. The
mating certificate should indicate the date of first mating and possible due date of the
litter. The certificate must reflect the cat's Register's Stud Number and must accompany
the application for registration document and individual kitten pedigrees for the litter
when sent for registration.
Stud Owners Note:
Do Check Transfer Certificates for "Not for Breeding" Clauses! This
can avoid unnecessary embarrassment when you later discover that the queen should not have
been bred.
- Advise the stud owner if your queen has
been on contraceptives - such as Ovarid or any one of the injectable types. It is
advisable to "tease" or allow one full free call prior to mating as synthetic
hormones may interfere with conception.
- DO NOT take or
send queens who are not in perfect health.
- DO NOT take or
send queens to stud if there has been recent ill health; or if you or your veterinarian
suspect the possibility of an infectious or contagious disease in your home or cattery.
- DO NOT take or
send queens infested with fleas, ear mite or ringworm.
- PLEASE, do clip the
queen's claws before going to stud. A nervous or highly strung queen may react viciously
in the presence of a strange cat and wound the stud causing an abscess requiring costly
veterinary treatment.
to mating your queen, cattery inspection is recommended:
a) check other cattery residents to satisfy yourself that they are in good health, you
will not want to "import" viruses, bacteria or a fungus into your own home or
b) make sure the security arrangements are adequate, i.e. double gates - escape traps
c) that the stud quarters are clean and well aired
d) check heating arrangements in winter where required (If conditions are not to your
liking, you will be able to "change" your mind and go elsewhere.)
- If your queen is travelling by air for
mating - make sure she is met by a responsible person. Find out what time is convenient
for the stud owner.
DO NOT forget
to include:
a) copy of her vaccination certificate;
b) Rabies movement permit, if applicable,
c) copy of the recent blood tests if requested;
d) copy of her transfer certificate.
Supply any additional information the
stud owner may request. Also note her favourite foods. However, some honeymooning cats
totally disregard nourishment when they have "other matters" on their minds!
DO LET the
stud owner know when the kittens are born; the number, colours and sexes to enable the
stud owner to keep accurate records.
If you are a novice and need advice or
assistance - DO NOT be embarrassed or shy to ask questions. We
were all novices once.