If you're researching "Houston's" send me e-mail and I will add you to this list. Last updated 15 September 1997.
Mark FreemanDescends from John Houston and Mary Ross
Peggy BrazzelDescends from John Houston and Mary Ross
Robert MillweeDescends from Elizabeth Houston and John H. Millwee
Bobbie WrightDescends fromElbert H. Houston and susan Preston
DeeTownsendDescends from Elizabeth Huston and William Wood
Anna CassellDescends from John and Esther Houston Montgomery
Jonathan CruzDescends fromJohn Houston and Mary Ross
Lee GentryDescends from John Houston and Mary Ross
Lee HartResearching Mary Houston and David Trimble
Lee BurnsResearching Mass.Houstons
James A.HoustonDescends from James Houston
Alice NeelyDescends from Joseph Houston & Martha Lucas
Harriet HoustonResearching Capt James Houston
Andy MacNairDescends from Houston & Grace(Benson?)
Cheryle FisherDescends from Robert Huston(d. 1784 NC)
Judy WakemanDescends from William Houston & Margaret Williams
Lloyd HoustonAlexander Houston & Agnes Maxwell
SandiResearching Sarah Houston & John Dyke
JulieResearching Florida Houston's
BevResearching Eleazer Houston
JuneResearching Jane Houston and Matthew Patton
DottieDescends from Archiblad & Agnes Houston
KimResearching Thomas Huston and Catherine Rickard
JanelResearching James Houston (Green Co,TN)
RandyResearching William Houston & Sarah Honeycut
Joe FrassrandResearching John Houston and Eliza Jane French McDonald Devine
Liz ProhaskaDesends from John Houston and Margaret McClung
Connie FikeResearching Henry F. Houston b. 15 Jan 1863
Lynda Desends from Robert Houston & Martha Blackburn
R.L.BrownResearching Lucy Ann Huston of AL and TX
MichelleResearching Elizabeth Matilda Houston
JuneResearching Jane Houston - Patton surname
Dan WelchResearching Houston-Gillespies
Ned HustonDescends fro Robert Huston and Susanna Allen
Beth CunninghamResearching Margaret D. Huston,Arthur Huston,Barbara Quinton
Hugh ThompsonResearching Blanch HOUSTON and Allean Fletcher of TX ca 1890
Barbara,CAResearching Robert HOUSTON and Hugston HOUGH(SC) and connection to HOUGH family
Helen Ruth TownsDescends from John Houston and Mary Ross. Researching James Decatur Houston and Young Gresham HOUSTON
Sarah KleimeyerResearching Melvina Houston and Henry Dowty
Joe GossDescends from Hannah Beatrice Houston
Thaddesu Houston Researching John Ott Houston and descendants(West Virgina and Kansas)
Theresa Researching ancestors of Beelie Green Houston of Laural Co,KY
Ina B. Morris Researching Andrew J. Huston/Sereney Maddox
John W Researching Lucinda Houston/George W. Eaton
Beverly Barnes Descendes from Dr. William HOUSTON, Duplin County,NC
PHOLMESDescends from Joe West HOUSTON, Madison Co,Arkansas
Faye C. Stowenbsp;Researching William Houston b. abt 1833 AL.
AnnDResearching Joseph HOUSTON b circa 1670/1680.
Carolyn B. Pruitt Researching Mary HOUSTON b abt 1790 Indiana. Died 1840 Franklin,AR
Barbara Wallace Rickard Researching Margaret Houston,Blount Co,TN. Married Robert Scott
WPitts@aol.com Researching Joseph Houston, KY,IL,IA
More to come!!