"The Raven"

Samuel Houston Adopted

Resolved by the National Committe and Council in General convened, that in consideration of his former acquaintance with, and services rendered to the Cherokees and his present disposition to improve their condition and benifit their circumstances, and our confidence in his integrity and honor, if he should remain among us we do solemnly, firmly, and irrevocably grant to Samuel Houston forever, all rights, priviledges, and immunities of a Citizen of the Cherokee Nation.


President of Committee


Clerk of Committe


Speaker of Council


Clerk of Council

Tah-Lon-Tee-Skee Oct 31,1831

Approved: JOHN JOLLY

Shortly after resigning as Governor of Tennessee, Sam Houston took refuge with the Cherokee's. Following is an account exerpted from "San Houston, The Great Designer" by Llerna B. Friend University of Texas Press 1969

"Reverting to his youthful custom of seeking refuge in the woods with the Cherokees's, Houston did maintain his ties with his 'Old Chief," to whome he described himself as an unfortunate and unhappy man but not a man without honor or one who could brook the idea that Jackson would suppose him capable of any act that would injure or involve his country. He promised that while in the Indian country, acting in an individual capacity, he would report information that might benifit Jackson's administration, would try to keep the peace between Indians and whites, and, as of old, would report any injustices done to the Indians by their agents.

Immediately after he wrote to the President, Houston proceeded by way of Louisburg and Fort Smith to Webbers Falls on the Arkansas in the Cherokee Nation. There he was welcomed by Oo-loo-te-ka("He Who Puts the Drums Away"), better know to the whites as John Jolly,the chief with whom he had lived as a youth and whom he called his "Indian Father." At his wigwam, according to Jolly, his son the "Raven" walked straight and caused his father's heart to rejoice"

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