- "Somewhere in California" the Delta Islands Retriever Club held a "Super Singles" competition. The dogs were judged by how straight their line to the bird was. There were no points for line manners; the judge just traced the dog's path with her pencil on the paper and at the end of the event, the dog that had the straightest lines overall, won. So who won? GMHR *CH* Marit Slippery Round the Bend SH, owned (and handled no doubt) by Wendy Rowan!!! Congratulations Wendy!
- Frigga" finished her UKC Upland Hunter title on September 29th. She is now UH HR Morgan's Girl Friday SH, WCX. "Odin" (Am/Can CH HR SR Sandpipers Norse King Odin SH, CD, WCX) got his first Upland leg at the same test. Congratulations Joe and Deb Vasalani!
- Having just finished his CH, Chester (CH Marstad's Rochester Rhapsodie) went BOB at the San Joaquin Valley LRC specialty, 9/27, under judge James Nolan (Veyatie, Scotland)-- his first time out as a special !!! Congratulations Denise & Gary Silva!
- Mousse earned his 4th leg and Junior Hunter title. He went 4 for 4 - what a birdie boy!! Congratulations Aleta Channell!
- Congratulations to the Canadian National Open winner: FTCH AFTCH Clubmead's Steel Magnolia (Maggie), owned by James & Sharon van der Lee, handled by Sharon!!
- Tibby earned his Companion Dog title in Obedience at the LOC Specialty Show in June, finished his Canadian Championship in August (making him titled at both ends!) and then won Best of Breed over many Specials at the Labrador Owners Club Booster. Congratulations Cheryl Drake!
- "Lily" finished her Novice Agility title out of the Novice A 20" class so she is now Am/Can Ch. Springwind's Just As Sweet JH, NA. Congratulations Vicki Olson!
- On September 21, the South Florida Labrador Retriever Club had their first Labrador Retriever Specialty in West Palm Beach, FL. Summit Farm's American Express UD (Kate) won 1st place in both Utility B (l95.5) and Open B (196.5). She was High In Trial, High Combined, and High Therapy Dog! Summit Farm's was also well represented in the Pre-Novice class by six(!) of Kate's puppies (sired by Hooper, Dog of the Year in 2000, Am/Can. CH. Clarion's Bad As I Wanna Be MH, CD), now 16 months old. Three of Kate's pups placed in that class, Summit Farm's Stardust Melody (Duster)--1st place, Summit Farm's Armed and Dangerous (Oakley)--3rd place, and Summit Farm's Raising A Ruckus (Ruckus)--4th place. Summit Farm's Bad To The Bone (George) also tried out the breed ring and placed 1st in his age group in Sweepstakes. On Sunday, Kate won Utility B again with a 197, and High In Trial at the all-breed show/trial. She is well on her way to her OTCH!! Debbi wants to thank the South Florida Labrador Retriever Club for having the specialty, AND for offering obedience!! Congratulations Debbi Snyder!
- "Buddy" (Can Ch Shemano's Barley's Buddy WC) earned his Junior Hunt title and is now titled at both ends! And, baby Teneh Lil' Miss Kia O'Shemano was WB on September 14 and Best of Breed on September 16th over a special and she is just a junior puppy! Congratulations Dana & Dan Cooke!
- Jarrett went Winners Dog and Best of Winners for 5 the next show he went Winners Dog and Best of Winners for another 5 points to finish!!!!!!!!!!!! How exciting! At the tender age of 20 months with limited showing and completely Breeder/Owner handled to his Championship, Jarrett is now known as Can. Ch. Nightwind Start Your Engines. And although she didn't mention it, rumor has it this fine young man is just a wing away from being titled at both ends! Congratulations Peggy Lands & Dayna Rousseau!
- Yet another champion at Remedy - Ch Remedy's Prevost finished on the 22nd. with a second 5 point major! At the same show, they won the stud dog class with Ch Borowicks Quest and his two daughters, Ch Remedy's Ebony Quest and Remedy's Halt At Q - Congratulations Sarah Wonnell!
- Stillwaters Murphy Brown earned her OAJ on the 16th - congratulations Linda Zehler!
- Here's a new champion - CH Marstad's Rochester Rhapsodie, finished September 16. Congratulations Denise Silva!
- Tamuff's Autumn Adventure UD, TD, JH, WCI earned her third leg and utility title on September 15 with a first place. Now it's on to agility! Congratulations Gail Rosson!
- Wimberway's Terra Murphy, owned by Gerry Murphy, has his HRCH, WCX, and SH titles. (In UKC events he is trialled as Murphy's Low Flyin Spud Missile....) - congratulations Gerry!
- Ch Wimberway's R'Blackjack WC, owned by Sandy Briggs, completed his JH in August and is now titled at both ends! He has earned all three titles since June 1. Congratulations Sandy!
- Wimberway's Ready Set Go, owned by Sandy Briggs, passed his WC September 16 - congratulations Sandy!
- Wimberway's Watch For It, 18 mos old, owned and trained by Beryl Proctor, is already a Started Retriever, WC, JH, has a leg on her CD, and according to her owner has passed EVERY field test/trial she has run in - congratulations Beryl!
- Barry Hall isn't stopping with a MACH - his 2 year old Luke got his Excellent Jumpers title on September 15. Congratulations Barry!
- Here's a new Senior Hunter: Serengeti Sadie O'Brandywine on September 9 - congratulations Greg Wilmes & Toby Bradford!
- Critter Creek Bigguns Blazing, "Shooter," received her first qualifying Junior Hunter ribbon September 1 at age 11 months! Shooter is out of CH Ruthless Blazing Brentley, CDX, MH and Biggun's Blue. Congratulations Denise Babcock!
- Critter Creek's Choc-o-Lotty completed her third HRC Seasoned test to earn her "HR" title on September 9 at 18 months old. She will be hunting the marshes and rice fields of south Louisiana during the winter months, then will begin working for her "HRCH" title in the spring. Lotty is owned by Jim Russo - congratulations!
- Critter Creeks Simply Stella earned her first leg toward her CD on September 9. Meredith hopes to finish the CD this fall and continue training for Senior Hunter and beyond. Stella is out of Ruthless Scalawags Scarlett, CD, MH and AFC, CFC, CAFC Chugach Hills Jazz's Rascal. Congratulations Meredith Kuhn!
- Sehlara's Adam Raised a Cain WC finished his Canadian Championship on September 15 and he earned a leg towards his CD on the same day!! Ben had a great day and so did Tamara!
- Congratulations to Nancy Dyson & Nipntuck Lily of the Field on a new JH and a new UD! This great team finished their JH title in early September, then finished their UD title on September 15. All 3 legs were achieved with first places in the Utility B classes. The icing on the cake came Sunday, when they won the U/B class, to give them a wonderful start on their quest for an OTCh! Congratulations Nancy!
- A former "Dog of the Year," Toadd took BOB on September 16 and he and his Junior Handler, Jenny Schmitke, took 2nd in Open Jr! At the same show, Toadd's daughter, Dakota Serenity of Char-Don CD, owned by Kay Schmitke and Janet Schoonover, earned her 3rd leg of her CD - congratulations Terri McFadden and Jenny and Kay and Janet!
- Linda Witkowski's Augustus' Valiant Trouper, UD, JH, OA, NAJ finished his open jumpers with weaves title on September 16 with a third place in the 24 inch division!!!!!!! Congratulations Linda!
- "Mele", who is one week away from her 7th birthday, celebrated early by getting that 10th and final UDX leg on September 15! She retired from obedience competition about 2 seconds after that last class! She was Michelle's Novice A dog, and retires as Black Sands Sunlit Melody UDX JH WCI CGC - congratulations Michelle and Kevin Ragsdale!
- Barry Hall and Riley successfully completed their 20th double-q to become the FIRST MACH LAB!!!! You can see Riley clearing that last bar by visiting Congratulations Barry and Riley!!!
- Wins picked up another new title, placing fourth in the open standard agility class, losing by less than 2 seconds to the winning BC. She is now UACH UUD Winifred Maeve Kelly CDX OA NAJ WC CGC TDI P-1 - congratulations Maureen Kelly!
- Snowyrivers Ice Crystal finished her Novice Standard and Novice Jumpers on Monday Sept 3rd with a 1st , 2nd, and 4th place! Congratulations Elizabeth Pannill!
- Already titled at both ends, Ch. Neloway's Awesome Miss Mocha CD WC earned a JH leg on September 1. Ch. Corhampton's Sehlara Storm earned her WC on Sept 1 and earned 2 JH wings on Sept 2-3! She will be titled at both ends in no time! Sehlara's Adam Raised a Cain earned his WC on Sept 1 and a JH wing on Sept 2, and Sehlara's Ophelia of Polonius earned her WC on Sept 1. So seven ribbons for the Sehlara Kennels Gang was quite nice! Congratulations Tamara Aegard!!!