The following letter was written by, Dawn Schrivner, Area Director, Special Olympics, Kansas City, Missouri.

It is the nomination written about Joe McGuire as Outstanding Special Olympic Athlete for 1996. Out of 22,000 athletes in Missouri, Joe was Chosen.

Joe McGuire's spirit and enthusiasm for the Special Olympics Program grows continually every day. Joe has worked hard over the past year and achieved recognition for, not only himself, but also Special Olympics.

Joe joined Special Olympics when he was 6 years old to begin his training and has competed since he was 8. He has tried just about every sport, and has excelled at gymnastics. His gold medal performance at the 1995 World Summer Games is only the first event that set him on the road to becoming an outstanding athlete. After Connecticut in 1995 Joe returned home to receive a North Kansas City High School Varsity letter in the fall. He thrust the letter high in the air for the other students to see as they gave him a standing ovation with the tears in his eyes, he thanked those who made it possible.

After these events in 1995 Joe did not stop growing as an athlete and a person. He continued to inspire other athletes by touring the elementary schools with his high school teacher, Mary Olshefski. Joe talked to the young children about his experience and shared the medals with them. They all beamed with admiration at Joe and the talked of their own Olympic dreams.

Even Joe's 6 brothers and sisters have benefitted from his winning spirit. Since Joe was young, he has been eager and determined to do things on his own. His siblings tried to help him but he usually refused that help. It was his enthusiasm and attitiude that inspired his sister, Maggie, to nominate him to run the torch in the 1996 Summer Olympic Games. Joe made the cut and ran the torch in Kansas City on May 16th. That very evening the McGuire Family arrived at Fort Leonard Wood so Joe could participate in Missouri's State Summer Games. Joe arrived at the Opening Ceremonies clutching his prized torch, grinning from ear to ear, and sharing the torch with those who wished to hold it. Ten days later, on May 26, 1996, Joe graduated from North Kansas City High School and soon began working full time at the Airport Marriott Hotel.

The summer of 1996 gave Joe the opportunity to try his hand at softball. Once again his spirit and athletic talents were tested. He was not the best player, but he played with determination and stuck by his new team, the Concerned Care Cougars.

The fall of '96 threw Joe for a loop and he had to have emergency surgery to remove his gall bladder and appendix. Through all of his pain, he was concerned that he would not get to bowl on October 26th in the Area tournament. He was right.. Mom McGuire felt it was a little too early so Joe sat one out. But that evening Joe received a high honor. He was inducted into the K. C. Sports Walk of Stars, along with two other Special Olympic althetes and 3 Kansas City professional sports figures. Joe won his honor based on his athletic talents, and his ability to show people that sometimes, with determination and spirit, those born with the least can achieve the most!

Joe is a member of St. Andrew SPRED.

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