Blue's Ircle Page

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How To Set Up "Ircle 3.0.4"

1. Go to "The Official Ircle Home Page" and download the Ircle 3.0.4 software to your desktop. Ircle is a shareware program for IRC (Internet Relay Chat). Upon payment of the $15 shareware fee you receive a registration number, and will be entitled to free support by email or IRC. Your registration number will also work for future versions. For registration information click here.

2. Double click on the "ircle 3.0.4" icon and "open" the program. You will see a screen that says "Register." Type in your "user name" (a name/nickname you want to use on line) then click on the "Register" button. A screen will come up telling you "That is not a good registration number", but the program will open anyway.

3. Now you are looking at the program screens. There should be four (4) screens on your monitor. The largest being titled "Console", below that the "Input Line" and off to the right hand side one called "User List" and under that "Connections". Any other windows such as the "DCC Faces" etc., just click in the upper left corner of the window and close it. If you do not see any of the four mentioned windows on your screen, go up in the "Menu Bar" and over to "Windows" click and drag down to the missing windows and open them.

4. In the window that says "Connections" you will see a button that says "Server... "Click on that button.

5. A screen appears that contains a scrolling list of available servers. Since the servers that you will be using for your Virtual University Classes are not on that list you will have to add them to the list. This is how to add a server(s). Click on the button that says "ADD". Another window will open. The top of this window will say: "Edit server name/port. Just below that is "Server name:" To the right of that is a box. In that box enter:

Note: Be sure and enter each server one at a time to the list.

Where it says "Port" enter: 6667

To it's right it will say Default 6667

Click on the word "Network" and scroll down to: None

Click on that. Carefully check what you have entered. If it is correct click the "OK" button. The screen will close.

6. You will see the first screen again with all the servers listed on it. The ones you just entered:

"   None"
"   None"
"   None"

    will now be listed. Now highlight the server you wish to use and click on the "Select" button.

(Congratulations! You have just added three channels to your server list - WARNING: When you close out the ircle program be sure and check the "save" settings or you will have to repeat this next time.)

7. Now the "Counsel" screen is visible again. A lot of printing will be coming down your screen. When it stops go to the "User List" window and click the button that says "Join" (or type in the "InPutLine" in your window the name of the room you wish to join i.e. /join #webdesign) Or one of the channels listed below for the class you are enrolled in. You will immediately go to that room. In case you don't. Look up in your menu bar under the "File" the first thing should say "Close Connection". If it does you know your connected. If it says "Open Connection" then click it to open your connection.

8. In the Join window that opens type in the following EXACTLY as it appears here:

  /join #chatcafe

IRC Classes that connect to VU chats are:

Web Page Design for Beginners (HTML 1) /join #chatcafe
Enhancing Your Web Site (HTML 2) /join #chatcafe

Hit enter. You should now see your user name listed in the top right hand window entitled "User List". That tells you the names of the people that are presently in that room.

9. When you want to close out your connection go to the "Connections" window and click on the "Disconnect" button. A window will open then that says: "Quit": Save preferences in to the folder "Ircle 3.0 preferences?"

This gives you a choice of "Yes", "No" and "Cancel". Click on the "Yes" button . Then go up in the "Menu Bar" under "File" and drag down to "Quit". The screen will close .

Note: Under the Help in the menu bar you will find the Ircle 3.0.4 manual. You will find this a helpful reference to print out.

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Last update 5/16/2000

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