Lutheran Formula of Concord
The Lutheran Formula of Concord resolved the controversy existing amongst
Lutherans in the late 1500's regarding the role of the law. This formula
says nothing about the division between moral law and ceremonial law, even though that is and important part of Lutheran doctrine. Presumably that was
not discussed because it was not in dispute. What follows is the short form,
or 'Epitome':
The Chief Question at issue in this Controversy
The law has been given to men for three reasons: (1) to maintain
external discipline against unruly and disobedient men, (2) to lead
men to a knowledge of their sin, (3) after they are reborn, and
although the flesh still inheres in them, to give them on that
account a definite rule according to which they should pattern and
regulate their entire life. It is concerning the third function
of the law that a controversy has arisen among a few theologians.
One party said Yes, the other says No.
{The Correct Christian Teaching in this Controversy}
- We believe, teach, and confess that although people who
genuinely believe and whom God has truly converted are freed through
Christ from the curse and the coercion of the law, they are not on that
account without the law; on the contrary, they have been redeemed by
the Son of God precisely that they should exercise themselves day and
night in the law (Ps 119:1). In the same way our first parents even
before the Fall did not live without the law, for the law of God was
written into their hearts when they were created in the image of God.
(footnote ref.: Gen 2:16, 3:3).
- We believe, teach, and confess that the preaching of the law is
to be diligently applied not only to unbelievers and the impenitent but
also to people who are genuinely believing, truly converted, regenerated,
and justified through faith.
- For although they are indeed reborn and have been renewed in the
spirit of their mind, such regeneration and renewal is incomplete in this
world. In fact, it has only begun, and in the spirit of their mind
the believers are in a constant war against their flesh (that is, their
corrupt nature and kind), which clings to them until death. (footnote ref:
Gal 5:17, Rom 7:21,23) On account of this old Adam, who inheres in people's
intellect, will, and all their powers, it is necessary for the law of God
constantly to light their way lest in their merely human devotion they
undertake self-decreed and self-chosen acts of serving God. This
is further necessary lest the Old Adam go his own self-willed way.
(footnote ref: Rom 12:7,8). He must be coerced against his own will
not only by the admonitions and threats of the law, but also by its
punishments and plagues, to follow the Spirit and surrender himself
a captive. I Cor 9:27; Rom 6:12; Gal 6:14; Ps 119:1; Heb 13:21.
- Concerning the distinction between works of the law and fruits of
the Spirit we believe, teach, and confess taht works done according
to the law are, and are called, works of the law as long as they
are extorted from people only under the coercion of punishments
and the threat of God's wrath.
- Fruits of the Spirit, however, are those works which the Spirit
of God, who dwells in the believers, works through the regenerated,
and which the regenerated perform in so far as they are reborn and
do them as spontaneously as if they knew of no command, threat, or
reward. In this sense the children of God live in the law and walk
according to the law of God. In his epistles St. Paul calls it the
law of Christ and the law of the mind. Thus God's children are
"not under the law, but under grace" (Rom 7:23, 8:1,14).
- Therefore both for penitent and impenitent, for regerated and
unregenerated people the law is and remains one and the same law,
namely, the unchangeable will of God. The difference, as far as
obedience is concerned, rests exclusively with man, for the
unregenerated man--just like the regenerated according to the flesh--
does what is demanded of him by the law under coercion and unwillingly.
But the believer without any coercion and with a willing spirit, in so
far as he is reborn, does what no threat of the law could ever have
wrung from him.
1. Accordingly we condemn as dangerous and subversive of Christian
discipline and true piety the erroneous teaching that the law is not
to be urged, in the manner and measure above described, upon Christians
and genuine believers, but only upon unbelievers, non-Christians, and
the impenitent.
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