Dog Smile


Do Dogs Smile?

Yes, dogs do smile according to Elizabeth Marshall Thomas who wrote the wonderful, heartwarming book: The Hidden Life of Dogs.
Dogs grin by pulling back the corners of their lips and baring their teeth. A very relaxed dog will smile with eyes half shut.
However, do not confuse a dog's grin with a snarl! If a dog has his/her mouth pulled back, but is showing his incisors and back teeth, most likely he/she is snarling.


Detecting a Smile

Here's is a list of when likely you will see your dog grins:
when you come home

when you get ready to take him/her out

when you play tag, especially when you can't catch him/her

when you take her out on a car ride

when you are preparing to give him/her a big juicy bone

when you give him/her a belly rub



Bobo & Miko (brother and sister)

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P. Han

Copyright © 1997 P. Han
This Home Page was created on Thursday, January 30, 1997
Most recent revision June 26, 1998


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