"Hi, I'm glad to see you!"
This bark is high-pitched, repeated and is followed by lots of tail-wagging
and grining (refer to Dog Smile section). You probably already know this greeting.
It is the one your pet uses when you come home from work.
"Will you play with me"
Lowered of the two front paw, chest down to the ground, flatten ears and
lifted rear end on the air. This is widely known as "play bow", and no one who
sees it is able to resist.
"Stay Away!"
A dog warns you of possible danger with a series of low-pitched, frenzied
barks that should have you up and investigating immediately.
"Something's Wrong!"
This type of warning bark is usually accompanied by growling, raised hair on
the neck and flattened ears.
"I'm Scared"
A scared dog crouches low to the floor, with his head down and ears flat.
If he barks at all, it will be like a low-pitched howl.
"I'm very sad"
We all have seen this "sad puppy eyes" look and there is nothing more heart-
wrenching than the sight of those down-cast eyes, and drooping ears. If your dog
is feeling especially unhappy, he may howl, and this poor pup needs attention and
a great BIG hug!
"I Love You"
This is the very type of "phrase" that all dog lovers live for. You know its
doggy love when you are greeted by lots of face licking and rapid tail wagging.