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This page is for all my friends...

if you're not here, let me know!

I Call You Perry Tanksley

I call you friend for that portrays my feeling

And it, upon reflection, is a word appealing.

Friend, you've shared my joys and in my troubles, helped.

You've laughed when I rejoiced and suffered when I wept.

I call you friend for this depicts so true

What I would like to be if I could be like you.

My dearest friend would have to be my husband Johnny. We've been together 8 yrs. For the most part, it's been a good time, and even when it wasn't, we were together.

Aug. 30th---I lost a very dear friend, my grandmother, Bessie Mae Thomas. 39 Forever. ;-) I will always love you...
This is the song we played at her funeral How Can I Help You To Say Goodbye
And a link to my sister's page for our grandmother... Nenny

My comfort, my support

Sometimes you get very lucky & you find family when you weren't looking. And that's a special thing because normally you're born with family, to find it is a treasure. Mark, Bob, Trinity, Anders...I love ya'll dearly & I'm so grateful to have you as part of my family. Dearest friends, dearest family. {{hugs}}

Okay, the rest are in no paticular order, so don't get offended with me!!!

Michelle...a.k.a. Txchelle. We first met in fact, she's probably the first friend I made there! She may be an Army retiree wife, but I'll forgive her that! ;-) It's amazing how long we've been friends now!


Michelle & I have FINALLY met...but we forgot to take pictues!!! *L* After 4 yrs. & no pics!!!!

Christy...a.k.a. Seabee We met on-line only to find out our husbands worked at the same squardron in MD! *L* They're stationed in Hawaii now...tough job, huh? ;-)

Jen...a.k.a. Wabbitt---we actually got to met! And, of course, all her wonderful kids!

Sandra is another military wife. She always seems to find the funny jokes to foward & plays a mean game of e-mail scrabble! Gosh, I miss those games, girl!
Christi is several hrs. north of me, we've "met" on-line but never in person---yet! *G* She's been so much help to me searching for Ms. Right (aka Glimmer) & making sure I didn't go down the garden path! *G*

Sandy was another source of help finding Glimmer. She has some wonderful dogs I was lucky enough to be able to play with during a visit!

This is (from left to right) Val, me, & Julie. Both are wonderful people...Val has a very caring heart, Julie is as sweet as they come...and Glimmer's breeder!!! I feel very lucky to have been able to visit them both recently!

And, of course, I can't forget Lisa & Master Nicholas! This was a funny one...I actually went to school w/Lisa's DH but met her online not having a clue we had a 'connection'! We've talked for over 2 yrs. & just finally managed to connect!
Now, for my friends that don't have pages or I just don't know the address (so, in that case, e-mail me!!!!)...

Tricia Wilson...I've known her since for forever!!

Melissa Skipper...We've known eachother since the 6th grade! That's scary! *G*

Lisa sanity saver in Puert Rico!! Let's go shopping! Scrabble? I've gotten better! *G*

Mary Norris...we saved eachother's sanity in MD---or made eachother go more insane! *L* BINGO anyone? *BG* Hurry up & get off the West Coast you Marine wife, you! Perry Tanksley

If we knew tonight we had our lst chance for decades

To see the stars displayed, I think we'd gaze and gaze

If we knew sight was failing and soon we would be blind,

We'd gaze for days at beauty and hold it in our minds.

If we knew today would be out last day fo good health,

We'd spend it visitng friends, sharing the affection we'd felt.

Because You Talked to Perry Tanksley
When I was so in need

Somehow you chanced to call

And you just talked to me

And I felt ten feet tall.

You didn't know my need

Nor could you ever see

The miracle wrought that day

When you just talked to me.

But friend, I felt so brave

When you left me that day

Because you talked to me

And knew just what to say.

Our pages
Meet the Andersons Kimmie's & Brianna's page Brianna's page
Johnny's page My page Kimmie's page
Brianna's recital Kimmie's recital Brianna's portrait session...Too cute!
Backgrounds & more Glimmer Patches
Spike & Mo Koko Gautier Elem., our school!
Parents Place

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