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Ramea's Photo Album of People

Here's some people that have ties to the island town.

The Crants

My late Grandparents ... Will and Gen (Willcott) Crant... having thanksgiving dinner at their home in Kline Hieghts, NS. c. 1972

Bill Crant's father ...Jack Crant... as a young lad going to St. Patricks Church, in Ramea? circa 1943.

Well you asked for it... Bill Crant... even as a young lad I didn't like my picture taken...c. 1962

Their both happy ? ...Jack and Ruby (Wambolt) Crant... perhaps they got rid of their son ?1978.

The Youngs and Northcottes

Flo Youngs dad ... Arthur Northcotte... a young lad all dressed up and waiting to go? circa 1935.

Little Miss Ramea 1951 ... Florence Northcotte... now all grown up and married to Carl Young, living in Cornwall, ON

Do you think their happy ... Richard and Barb Young... this wedding lead to Kavan.

What another Young ... Carl Young Jr.... A Ramea Puffin or just a puffin? circa ?.

Hey folks meet ... Nancy Young... all dressed to party!

Flo's mom and dad ... Arthur and Elsie Northcotte... Yes still in love !!! circa ?.

The Pennys and Hanrahans

The Late Senator and Mrs. George J. Penny... making plans for the fish plant!c.1948

George Hanrahan's mother ... Marie Veronica Penny... a young lady attending Mt. St. Vincent Academy c. 1917

Meet the Hanrahan Family...left to right..Erin, Sean, Shelia, Terence, Anne, George, Tara, Patrick and Siobhan that's all folks. June 1, 1996.

The Keepings

Lionel Keepings' dad Clyde Keeping...a 17 year old near the lighthouse, at Nor'West, Easter Sunday.. c.1943.

The Goulds

The school teacher Lester Gould... thinking of lesson plans for St. Bon's All Grade.

Stephen William Gould... just 6 days old.

The Hardys

Oh, Oh, the Military Police ... Cecil Hardy... this picture was taken by his girlfriend, now his wife..1991

The Cutlers, Dominies and Rossiters

They can Run, but they can't hide ... Wilf Cutler and Clyde Dominie... Entertaining on the Ramea Brodcasting Network (RBN?).

The rest of the band ... Clyde Dominie and Marv Rossiter... again on the RBN...

The Kids

Stephen Crant, the grandson of Jack Crant...
Kavan, Kyle and Brandi-Lynn Arthur Northcott's... great grandchildren.

The Others

Don't worry were working on them!

We extend a special thanks to Carl and Flo Young for providing and scanning many of the pictures on this pages!

The Crant Family; Bill, Betty and Stephen

Want some "Scenic" Pics.. go HERE.

See the "Tragedys of Ramea".. go HERE.

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© Mar. 1997 by Bill Crant Updated Aug. 20, 1997.