Gourami: Freshwater Aquarium Fish

PETsMART.com Fish

fgour.jpg (5712 bytes) redfire_dwarf_gour.jpg (10444 bytes) I've liked watching fish ever since I was a kid and watched them for hours in the waiting room of the Owatonna Clinic. In the fall of 1999 I bought a 10 gallon aquarium and four fish - two red fire dwarf gouramis and two sunset gouramis. Gradually the first four died, but most lasted a year or so. After moving to my condo I got four red fire gouramis, which seem to be thriving after three months. I learned a lot the first time around. Raleigh, my cat, was fascinated by them at first but now ignores them. I enjoy them :-)
gourami_sunset.gif (24775 bytes)
The pictures above give you an idea of what my gouramis look like. The two top pictures are red fire dwarf gouramis. The bottom one is a sunset gourami (I don't currently have any of these). The main differences are the size and the color. The sunset gourami is more orange, the red fire gouramis more red. Also, the red fire gouramis have blue fins. The sunset gourami has a less vivid blue in the tail but the dorsal fins are orange. fishloop.gif (26229 bytes)
PETsMART.com Fish
Gourami Links

Aquarium Checklist (great if you're thinking of starting an aquarium)
PetSmart Breed Guide
Petfish Dwarf Gourami Page
Tripod Dwarf Gourami Page
The Zen of Fish (AcmePet.com) - tell people about your fish!