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Extremely PROUD member of
Thank you Grandma!!
Love they say is patient,
Love they say is kind,
It sees beyond others faults,
For love they say is blind.....
Love does not diminish
or rust and fade with years
But it will gain strength
from Time, laughter, joy and tears.
Love is God's own gift to us
A present from above
He gives us peace, He gives us joy,
But first He gave us Love.
Author Unknown
**NEW** Want to check out the latest travels of BJ with her new 5th wheel???? Hop over to the Travel page!!
**NEW**Check out BJ's "Alter Ego"!! Visit "Land of MYR"!!
Ok, enough said!! If you would like to see what this person that can't resist Victorian "stuff" is all about, just click on the "Enter My World" graphic and begin your journey!
This WONDERFUL background was created by a good friend who wishes to remain annonymous! Chana..sorry to blow your cover!! LOL