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Resource Links

This is a small listing of links I think are interesting and useful. I would appreciate any links you consider useful for placement here.

Psychology tests available online, theory and research links alsoI'm a Socializer according to the "Platinum Rule"

Myers Briggs Personality Test: I am an ENFJ

My husband swears by this site, free Downloads, information on that car or appliance you need to buy, news etc. at Cnet

If you have kids or grandkids (or feel like one yourself) you should send for Oriental Trading's catalog. Terrific prices for great boredom busters and stocking stuffers that even I can afford.

This is a good place to go if your living on a Budget. We could all use a Dollar Stretcher

Free advice and tips from Dr. Paula The Pediatrician

Good Search Engine here for Health issues Health On The Net Foundation

This site is produced by physicians and medical students of The Federal University Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) without any kind of help from the University and has the goal of presenting revised topics in medicine. There is a search engine available: MedStudents

Non-Traditional Medical Practices, I find it an interesting read but am not advocating any of these links I feel certain that you are smart enough to reasearch before accepting any information online as gospel though right)

Social Security and Disablility in Brief

All In One Search Engines

Any Who Directory Service 800 Phone numbers, fax addresses, email, ect.

Your State Government & Politics

Looking for that molestor in your Fl neighborhood? Go to the FLDE page

We are pleased to make these mental-health resources available to you. Links are provided for your convenience, but we advise you to use them wisely and completely at your own risk. SH&P Consumer Links to Web

Ever get in an argument about the Bible? Heres the Bible Answer Machine to help you out.