My Mother : Sylvia See
With A little parental pressure (ie. Guilt) my mother has managed to get me moving on my homepage again. 30 or 40 emails and a couple of scanned pictures for me to include and I'm off.....
(The content of this page will remain a little rough (intentionally) until Mother gets off HER duff and sends me an email containing the content she'd like as well as some links etc.... Till that day arrives the world is going to get my view of my mother, not hers....)
My Mother Is:
Here is an example of one of her latest creations... It's called a garden castle and has a light inside that lights up the windows at night....
Some more samples of pots.....
Even more samples of pots.....
It' the dawning of the new Millenium! Mom decided it was time to mobilize the troops and organize a Millenium Firing! Whats a Millenium firing, you ask? Get all the potters and potter wannabe's together, have them throw something special, and fire it all over the new years. Voila, a Millenium firing! I can guarantee you none of us will ever see the like again! ;>)
Pictures from the Millenium firing.
Links to Mother's Favorite Sites
Send Olgran an e-mail to: whats