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Added 12/28/2000

Welcome to the Genealogy Homepage  from Dirk Haasjes:

Up to my Dutch Genealogy Page 

What's on my homepage: ca 10 Megabyte!! genealogy information and pictures.

On the homepage it is easy to search through the database by picosearch or atomz!!

1. Genealogy information of my Dutch ancestors: Haasjes, Klaver, de Groot, vd Berg
2. The same from my wife Korry Bastiaan: Bastiaan, Rorije, van Olst, Sneelooper.
From these familynames i will collect all off the information i can get!!
I have information about this families from 1700 till today. They lived in Holland and some off the family members are emigrants to countries as England, Germany, United States.
Most off them where farmers, carpenters (windmills), and just pore labourers.


Genealogy family HAASJES:  

In the links below there is a lot off information about my ancestors:

These information is now accessible

 The Haasjes  family-arms\ Go to the genealogypage  The Klaver family arms-Go to the genealogy page

Haasjes/ fotopage   Klaver/fotopage


  1. Haasjes Haasjes data  , ca 700 persons with this name, from 1700 village Rouveen/Staphorst, Overijssel, Neth.
  2. Klaver , Klaver data    , ca 120 persons from1700 village Drachten/Opsterland, Friesland, Netherlands.  
  3. Some sourcedocuments about my ancestors:  Sources

  4. Lists off all persons with the name: van den Bergde GrootKLOKKOOLHOF ,  REDDERRIETMANSTEERENBORCHVRIES ,   WEERTMAN


 Kwartierstaat Korry Bastiaan  about 1200 persons

Lists of persons with the name:  BASTIAAN ,     RORIJE ,  

vd Berg, Heldoorn, ten Hoeve, Huisman, Keppel, Olst, Penninkhof, Sijbrands, Sneelooper  

  1. Bastiaan, ca 1200 persons, from 1570 Kampen, Zalk, Deventer eo, Overijssel, Netherlands
  2. Rorije, ca 1100 pers; from 1720 Heerde, Gelderland (almost complete), Netherlands
  3. van Olst, ca 90 pers.; from 1700 Zalk, Hattem, Oldebroek , Gelderland, Netherlands
  4. Sneelooper, ca 40 pers; from 1750 Oldebroek, Doornspijk e.o, Gelderland, Netherlands

Another  SOURCE Documents  like Adresses, Court of Law, Notarial, Orphan books, etc

Pleace mail me when you are interrested about these information.


I will also help you when you are searching in the Netherlands 

Member off the Holland Ring  Banner of the Holland ring   

I am continuously working on this homepage. So stay or visit me soon again. still working it out

©Copyright 1998 dhaasjes URL:http//geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/9924/
Braamkamp 37, 8181ce Heerde, Netherlands Tel: (31)578-695062
Laatst bijgewerkt:   29 dec 2000