A show-guide for beginners

italian version

Penny, judged by Nicola Arini,
Toy Dogs Club's president.

Showing is a difficult and expensive hobby, but it can give a lot of satisfaction!
First of all, you must decide if your dog is show quality or not (for appearence, stucture and temperament): a breeder or a judge can tell you.
He must have pedegree and tatoo (or microchip).
Then, you must get you and him ready: leash training, obedience courses, meet other dogs, exercises at home, walking, stacking, judge exam on the table, grooming...
Ring training is very important, and it can't begin when your dog is too old. Puppies are willing to comply their owner, but they get soon tired: brief and funny exercises will be amusing to them.
Look for information everywhere you can: buy books and magazines, go and see as many dog shows as you can, meet breeders and other dog owners, study the standard of your breed, subscribe the breed club...

If you and your dog feel ready, there are some rules that you need to know before to go into the ring: