* In North Carolina with Charlie J and family! *

Day 1 (6/13)

Peace arrived today. We had a very busy day, so we didn't get to the mail until 9pm.Peace was introduced to our family tonight. The Ash's note was warmly welcomed, as were the gifts, pictures and Peace's diary. Alex helped Peace get ready for bed. We took a picture of Alex & Peace watching a movie before bed. Great to have you Peace! Goodnight... from CharlieJ, Mama Misty, Alex (5yr old) & Alyssa (14 mth old).

Day 2 We had a busy day today. First, Peace went to Sunday School and church with us. We took a picture of Alex, Peace & some of Alex's Sunday School classmates. After lunch, we left for Alex's graduation from daycare. Peace stayed at the house and listened to music while we were gone (we didn't want to take the chance that Peace would get lost at the graduation ceremonies).
Later in the afternoon, Peace went with me (Charlie) to play volleyball. It was sunny and hot, so Peace sat in the shade while I played volleyball. Alex was there and kept her company. Tonight, we chatted on BeanieAbode and then went to bed. Tomorrow, Peace is going to work with me.

Day 3 (6/15)
Today Peace and I spent the day together. Peace helped me work on my website, do email and take a few service calls for the bank.
There was bad thunderstorm tonight, so we all sat in the living room and talked awhile. The lights had gone out because of the storm, so we lit candles and opened the windows to feel the cool misty breeze. After the power was restored to your neighborhood, we all went to bed. Speep tight!

Day 4 (6/16)
Misty cleaned house today while Alex and Peace watched cartoons. Peace stayed at the house while Alex went to swimming lessons and t-ball practice. We didn't want Peace to get wet or dirty, so she relaxed and listened to some music while the girls were gone.
This evening, I took Peace with me to play volleyball. She was our cheerleader! The gang all got together with Peace and had our picture taken. We're not sure if it will turn out, but we wanted Peace to have a momento of her visit to volleyball.
More to come...


Paw and Alex became great friends

Alex playing with Peace

Peace goes to Sunday school with Alex and friends

Peace playing volleyball with CharlieJ and friends

On!! to California


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