Welcome to my Home Page !
I'm a keen family historian and a founder-member of theLeicestershire and Rutland Family History Society. Apart from researching all my surname interests, I have concentrated over the past six years on transcribing the 24 registers of nearly 12,000 marriages which took place at St. Margaret's parish church in Leicester, England during the period 1837 to 1897.
This transcription has been published by theLRFHS as a series of 12 separate, indexed, volumes on microfiche. To further assist researchers, I have now produced from my original database a comprehensive name index covering all 12 of these volumes. This index can be accessed on this site thus enabling one to select the right microfiche for a likely marriage and thus obtain full details of the register entry. As from mid-December 2000, the full transcription is also available on one CD-rom for those without access to a microfiche reader.
Copies of the required microfiche and of the CD can be obtained
through LRFHS secure sales site
My Surname Interests
St.Margaret's MarriageIndex
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