Gene and Mona 630-916-1541
Gene cell 699-1534
Barbara Bezold 773-866-1438
Ralph 815-645-8021
Elsa and Scott 630-705-1348
Scott car phone -630-452-2057
Elsa car phone -630-936-3323
Miriam Godenius cell -630-258-4322
Alex -630-325-6318
Jim -630-532-9568
Colleen -- 708-305-2018
Miriam and Frank -630-832-1487
Frank 630-903-3965
Jvdy Conway -630-238-0386
Vince -630-832-5152
John Doyle -630-279-3926
Phil cell 505-559-0568
Phil condo 505-242-6260
Phil Office 505-345-1692
Rahul -630-424-8714
Gvrandpa 630-279-4448
Toot 630-833-1136
toot cell 630-306-2996
Dolores Alonso 630-833-3781
Felix (Cell) 630-890-0114 Dan Johnson 630-833-8755
Nichol 815-624-6333
Mark 815-262-2231
Dan cell 930-2187