simple tips (twins in strollers)
1. If you are in a hurry, avoid eye contact. If people make comments, respond but don't be overly friendly, this only encourages a conversation you have had a million times before consisting of : "Awww twins!", "Is it hard?", "Are they identical?" etc, etc. This also leaves you vulnerable for other people to stop by and take a peek which may trap you for 15 minutes or longer.
2. Choose the clearest path (this avoids people and the trouble of space management).
3. Do not go shopping alone for big trips.
4. Do not go shopping alone for big items.
5. If you shop with someone try not to let yourself get separated. This person is your safety buffer.
6. Absolutely do not feed either or both of your children in a public area (i.e. near the front door, near busy areas of the store). You are not only vulnerable to unwelcome conversations and onlookers who don't know when to leave, but you are sitting for god's sake! This is one of the most difficult situations to escape from.
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This site Designed by Carina Silfverduk, single mother of fraternal girls.
Last updated October 28th, 1997.
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