Feline World Domination Society

Fascinating and Fun Activities for Felines!

Bored? Restless?
Here are some of Lucy and Effy's favorite activities... you might enjoy them too!

  • Hanging out on the windowsill and watching the leaves fall outside.
  • Bopping the sleeping human on the nose with a paw and then taking off.
  • Watching stuff go down the toilet.
  • Eating treats.
  • Begging for treats.
  • Hiding behind the shower curtain so that the human will come along and poke the other side... and then swatting at the mysterious thing poking the curtain and getting your claws stuck. (It's best not to do this too often, though... when the human notices that the curtain is becoming shredded, the human might start to ignore you hiding behind the curtain. When a new curtain appears, you know the game is over.)
  • Pouncing on your sister (or brother or roomate.. whoever happens to be around).
  • Hiding in boxes.
  • Finding treasures around the house and then depositing them in small, safe places (like someone's shoe, for example).
  • Mowing at the wall for no apparent reason.

    Do you have favorite activities you'd like to add to this list? Send them to the human slave who maintains this site!

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