My daughter was born in 1996. My father (whom I loved and was well respected in the community) was the one person I didnt want to know. What could I do 18 and constantly through my whole pregnancy denied I was carrying a baby. I went from NJ to Iowa to attend college knowing in my subconcious that I was pregnant but denying the whole problem. I was thrown out of college and on the night I flew out of Iowa to NJ I went through labor. My father picked me up at the airport, still not knowing I was pregnant and left me off at home. After 2 hours I went to my mother and told her I was in pain. I have to tell you that my parents nor my sister and brother had any idea that I was pregnant.(Sack dresses were in style, great for hiding pregnancy) I was taken to our local hospital(Newton N.J) and our family doctor of many years told my mother not only was I pregnant but I would have the baby in a matter of hours. I was in labor for 10 more hours. When the baby came I was not able to think ractionally. My father came into the room the next day and said it would be my decision, however our family doctor had another doctor friend who knew a family that already adopted a baby boy and wanted a baby giirl. They too were respected members of the community. What could I do?? I agreed to the adoption. I have to say on another note. My sister who was married at the time had her baby son 1 day before I had my daughter. She came into room not knowing who I was and asked me for a match, she looked me right in the eyes and did not know me. That is how much of a shock it was to my family that I had a baby. Im now 50 and there hasnt been a day I havnt thought about Jill Ann Woolwich. Yes, I know her name because I had to sign the papers in her adopted parents lawyer and the name they gave her stuck in my mind. Problem??? Yes. If she ever found me there is a lot of questions I cant answser. From the start, Her father's last name.............and a lot of other things. I guess I wasnt ment to be a mother. My first one I adopted out. The second one died in a car acciident with her father. And the third one I've just disowned because of the life she has chosen..No she's not on drugs or anything like that. As a matter of fact she is a christian and she graduated with honors and she is now a teacher. However she is engaged to a man who is a member of the KKK. God bless Texas and their bleifs. Anyway that is my story. Sometimes I feel that I am toatlly alone. I ask God for help and he gives me answers on stuff concerning what I should do (Im very involved with the community and on several groups on of which is the Antelope Valley Hate Crime Task Force) but I have never receivd an answer when I ask about Jill Ann and when and If Ill ever find her. Im begining to get the answser NO.

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